Tuesday, March 13, 2018

B7 - Course Reflection

Intelligent Buildings was a course that provided a wide variety of exposure in terms of what will be leading most industries in the future. The future which holds nothing, but technological methods and improvement as explored through our lecture topics and discussions.
The initial class discussion of what makes a building intelligent opened doors to understanding how the future industries will account for nothing but technology to complete minor and major tasks of a given work load to achieve time efficiency, and higher productivity rates, while that was proven through the discussed topics of what Artificial Intelligence are, the use of 3D printers, learning and understanding what is a database, and what BIM tools are capable of. In addition to preforming a research to further explore what intelligent buildings are.  
The knowledge taken from this class were all very useful and eye opening to what is going on in the real world, but what I personally feel was very useful was learning how to use Microsoft Access for creating a database as I would never through in million years to check what Microsoft Access is, what it does, and how it works. In addition to using Revit to create families.
Before using Revit to create families, I wasn’t proficient with Revit and I still have more to learn and practice to achieve proficiency using the program, but this assignment has helped me become more familiar with Revit.
This course has definitely well prepared me for the future, as the knowledge gained through this course has allowed me to think out of the box in terms of building design, where every time I will think of designing a building I will thinking about all the technological methods and feature we talked about in class and see how I can implement them to my design to make my building more intelligent. Another thing this course has prepared me for is when I buy my own house when day I will install HVAC sensors to increase energy efficiency and indoor air quality, while having lower utility bills : D  
Since we have come to the end of this course I would like to share my current definition of intelligent buildings: Intelligent buildings is where there are high levels of control that does require constant interaction from human.   

I agree with you the guest lectures were interesting and helpful, because it was nice having someone in the profession close to our age that we can related to in terms of our future careers. 

I agree with you in terms of how guest speakers were very useful to have as I am digital building concentration too, and I was confused about what can really be done with a digital building concentration up until we had our guest speakers and having further discussion with Professor Mitchell.

I have to agree with you as engineers I believe BIM tools will just be involved in everything we do whether analysis or design.


  1. The point you make right away about how much of the information we gain from this class will keep on being very applicable and built on in the future is great. Just like most students in this class, I knew databases were created but I had no idea how. Learning this skill helps so much in the real world like you have mentioned and aids so much in allowing us to connect to our fields in a deeper level of understanding. I also feel as though this course has added to my preparation in the future.

  2. I like that you enjoyed the futuristic outlook on the AEC industry. i was more fixated on the pre design and pre construction applications. I do liked that we also looked at Artificial intelligence and how it could play in the future, i would previously not have agreed it han any impact on the AEC industry. I to do not think i would have found myself looking at microsoft access if not for this class.


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