Friday, March 9, 2018

Lovett - Final Reflection

The time spent in this course has been very diverse and very much individualized which is what more courses within this broad-spectrum degree should require.  It has helped mold an understanding of what I may desire to pursue further in the future and how relevant technologies may help me achieve that.  The concept behind my paper topic started as a simple exploration of intellectual buildings and how green technologies could be innovated into and improve this state.  The subject grew with time and transformed into something much more that lead me to discover basic concepts about energy capture for sustainability and how intelligent systems can easily augment these processes and ensure precision when and where it is most pertinent.  In fact, the database assignment concerning sensors is what led me to these additional thoughts on the matter.  The humidity and temperature sensors showed the level of precision possible and applying these to a renewable energy resource procurement system such as wind turbines allowed for an in-depth look at how such commodities can be used for two or three different purposes so as not to produce waste.  This is inherently what green building technology is truly about, and it came to be purely by coincidence in my findings.  The latter idea has shown me that these modern and hopefully futuristic ideals can occur easily enough if they are taken seriously by the construction world and the investors that stoke the fire of industry.

Furthermore, collaborating on certain topics and seeing how other students view said topics gives valuable insight on perspectives for how new technologies will affect our workforce of engineers.  Some are more accepting and others confused about the potential that certain technologies can bring to our field.  Of course certain types of engineering will be more exposed to these innovations, but it is a better future for all, regardless.



I agree that the course was a good start in terms of using multiple programs that are often utilized in the industry.  There was not nearly enough material or guidance to become even a novice user considering the depth of the programs.  Considering it is a course near the end of a degree, I feel as though there should've been more concentrated direction.


I enjoyed the ability to have an undergrad and graduate level course applied to intelligent buildings.  Group work is definitely a crucial factor in the field and the few in-class blog assignments were a useful tool that portrayed this.  At the same time, the individual posts did, as you mentioned, allow for us to explore personal interests as related to the field.


The weekly blog posts are what I'd say were most relevant to the core material of the course.  Not only did some allow for individuality, but they gave us an opportunity to stay current in the world of technology when we otherwise may not.  This provides incentive for us to expand our knowledge-base of not only the engineering world, but in adjacent fields. 


  1. Joshua,

    I enjoyed how you discussed the group in class discussions. I had almost forgotten them, but they did increase the value of some of the lessons we learned in class. I really liked hearing the opinions of those in my group and really brainstorming what the future holds for some of the technologies discussed in class. One of my favorite discussions was after the video of the building going up in 3 (?) days. I believe we were discussing how all of our jobs were probably going to be taken over by robots, but we still had optimistic outlooks for what that actually means. I agree that this class was very broad in spectrum, but in a way it guided us to explore any one specific topic further if we so choose, which is something I will be doing as far as AI and automation goes.

  2. Joshua L,
    I agree with you that this class has been very focused for those of us who are digital building concentrations. I think that many people don't really know what that entails, myself included. In fact, even my advisor didn't know what it was when I asked. I feel that this class was a great way to define what digital building means and how it can impact the industry. I definitely think that this class helped mold what I thought I would be able to do in the future.

  3. Joshua,

    Your paper topic seems very interesting. It is one of the reasons I'm glad we get to see other peoples presentations tomorrow, because there are so many great topics people chose and I'm curious to see them all. As I mentioned in my post, we covered so much in this class but there is only so much time Prof. Mitchell has. Being able to see what other students decided to write about will help expand my knowledge base and interest level even more.

  4. Joshua,

    Thanks for sharing your reflection with us. I see that you liked certain things about the course that I also included in my post, such as how green structures can be innovated. I also liked that you particularly mentioned energy capture for sustainability, it was certainly one of the most interesting topics over the term. Your post is very specific and self explanatory, good work.


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