Syllabus - Initial - May Be Updated

AE-510 – Intelligent Building – 3 Credits

Cross-Listed & Taught at the same time with AE-410
Architectural Engineering
Drexel University
AY2017-2 - Winter

AE-510 - Differences from AE-410

AE-510 is combined in the classroom with AE-410.  BS/MS and graduate students will be treated as graduate students and held to those standards.  The difference between the expectations of Graduate and Undergraduate students will be made clear in the assignments.  In general, graduate students will:
·         Held to a higher level of citation and documentation in written work
·         Write longer documents, particularly for the term project
·         Relate the assigned topic more explicitly to their work in other classes and in their careers.
·         Participate in a more-informed manner in classroom discussions

The overall conduct and course polices are the same as for AE-410.

AE-410 & AE-510 Common Syllabus (Complete for AE-410)

Course Instructor

Instructor                   James E. Mitchell
Department                CAEE
Office                           University Crossings - CoE - Student Services, 3175 JFK Blvd
Office Hours                By Appointment       
Web Page          
Phone                          215-895-2211
Mailbox Location       Office
Best Contact Method EMail

Course Prerequisites

·         Senior Status or above - exceptions by permission of the instructor.

Prerequisites by Topic

·         Knowledge of the construction industry with expertise in one system- exceptions by permission of the instructor.

Courses Using This as Prerequisite

·         None
·         This is a required course for students in the AE Digital Building concentration

Prerequisite Technical Skills

·         General use of the Blackboard Learn learning management system
·         Ability to upload to and download material from Bb Learn
·         Familiarity with MS Excel or Equivalent.
·         This course will not be mathematical, but will use the computer heavily, including possible website and/or blog creation (help offered) and several programs that may be new to many students (e.g. database and BIM).

Course Description

The building industry, like the rest of the world, is changing in response to technology advances.  Our goal in this course is to build a framework for understanding the impact of technologies that are likely to produce significant change during your professional career.  We will not, of course, be perfect in our predictions, but hopefully the framework developed will allow you make sense of the unexpected.

We will look at the role of information technology in many aspects of the lifecycle of a building: Design, Construction, Operation, Renovation, Demolition.  We will look at Building Information Modeling (BIM), databases and networks.  Students will explore one topic in depth via an individual or group term project.

More specifically, each student will:
·   Read and discuss articles from the scholarly and "trade" literature
·   Become moderately proficient in a BIM tool - Autodesk's Revit Architecture in most cases
·   Create a relational database documenting a variety of sensors appropriate to an intelligent building.
·   Explore one aspect of an Intelligent Building in depth.

Course Purpose Within a Program of Study

Undergraduates approaching graduation are given the opportunity to consider the impact of information technology on their industry and their careers, both currently and in the future.  They will learn the basics or advance their knowledge of several widely-used tools: BIM and Relational Databases.


·         No Textbook for the course

Reference Material & Recommended Texts

·         A good BIM reference is: Chuck Eastman et al., BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers and Contractors (Wiley, 2011) - This is available through the library electronically.

Hardware and Software

·         Students will read and create “posts” in the student blog
·         Students will use Autodesk’s Revit (latest version) to create BIM models
·         Students will create a Relational Database using either:
o   MS Access
o   LibreOffice Base:
o   AirTable:

Technology Support

Centralized support for Drexel Learn is provided by the Instructional Technology Group (ITG). Contact information for the ITG is:

·         Phone: 215-895-1224 (available 24/7, press option 2 to speak with a person off-hours)
·         Email: (submits a ticket)
·         Location: Korman Center, Room 109 (available Monday through Friday, 7:30am - 6:00pm)
·         Live Chat: Chat Link available Monday through Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm; other times this link will submit a ticket (

Supporting Web Sites

·         Blackboard Learn (for registered students)
o   This will be used primarily for course administration and assignment submission
·         The course official blog is
o   For announcements and feedback
·         Students will post some work to this blog
·         Professor Mitchell’s Shared Evernote Notebook AE-510 Shared contains an extensive collection of articles related to the topics of this course

Course Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this course, students will be able to:
Mapping of Student Learning Outcomes
1.      Define the concepts encompassed by the term "Intelligent Building"
2.      Create a BIM model and, for more advanced students, create and use a "Family"

3.      Create and populate simple relational databases

4.      Describe and evaluate the advantages of using a BIM model throughout a building's life cycle

g, h, k
1, 2, 4, 6
5.      Describe and evaluate future technology trends relevant to Intelligent Buildings

i, j, k
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12

1 ABET EAC Student Outcomes,
2 Drexel Student Learning Priorities,


Course Core Concepts

The following core concepts will be emphasized throughout the course:

·         The computer-based building model will be ever more central to design, construction, operation, renovation and demolition of all buildings.
·         This model is, at heart, a database.
·         Sensors and networks will become ubiquitous
·         Buildings will become increasingly “active” instead of inert.
·         Buildings are part of larger "internet of things"
·         Robotics and Artificial Intelligence will be of increasing importance.

Course Topics

The course will deal with the following topics
·         BIM Tools & Concepts
·         Construction Industry Environment
·         Stakeholders
·         Data - CAD; BIM
·         Databases
·         Sensors
·         Networks
·         Control - Robotics - Artificial Intelligence
·         Manufacturing

·        System Futures: Materials; Envelope; Structure; MEP; Architecture

Course Format

This course is offered in face-to-face mode with learning management system (LMS) support.   There will be:
·         Three hours of in-class lecture each week. At the minimum, Blackboard Learn will be used for distribution of course material and posting of grades.
·         Online posts on assigned topics and comment on the posts of others.
·         Class discussions and in-class projects.

Assignment Submissions

Assignments may be submitted in various manners.  Each assignment will indicate the method of submission and due date and time.  These methods include:
·         Electronic Submission via the University Learning Management Systems (Blackboard) including:
o   Blog posts, with the URL submitted in BBLearn.
·         Hard Copy submission to a location identified by the instructor
·         Presentations at a time and location identified by the instructor

Course Assessment – Methods

·         Criteria - Each assignment will have the assessment criteria included with the assignment, usually in the form of rubrics.
·         Team Work - Some projects may be addressed by student teams of varying size. The expectation is that most students will work individually.
o   Team grades will be evaluated on the basis of the total team result. Only in exceptional cases will individual team members be graded differently.
·         Digital Output - All assignments will be completed using the computer. All drawings, tables, charts, written material and other results will be presented in computer output form.
·         Originality Assessment - All written assignments will be submitted in a form such that they can be evaluated using the plagiarism detection tool "TurnItIn" on BbLearn.

Course Grade Assessment – Ingredients

Note:  More detail is contained on the BBLearn website

Blog Posts

Term Project
Individual and/or group
Individual and/or group of Term project



Course Schedule

Note:  This schedule may change during the term in response to developments in the class.  More detail is available in BbLearn.

Reading/Multimedia Due
Introduction: Course Topics & Administration
ATTENTION: As of fall 2016-17, the Drop/Add deadline is the end of Week 1. This will be Friday for advisor-mediated changes, and Sunday for student-mediated online changes.
Robotics & 3D Manufacturing
Reading on week’s topic
Blog Post
Reading on week’s topic
Blog Post
Term Project Selection
BIM Concepts
Other Systems
Reading on week’s topic
Blog Post
Revit Model & Document
BIM in Industry
Data Interchange
Reading on week’s topic
Blog Post
Term Project Outline
Data & Databases
Relational Database Concepts
Reading on week’s topic
Blog Post
Sensors & Databases

Create Database
Term Project Draft
The course withdrawal deadline is the end of Week 7. If you are thinking of withdrawing, please speak to your instructor.
Cloud Computing
Reading on Week’s Topic
Blog Post
Populate Database
Building System Futures
Class Exercise

Term Project Final
Term Project Presentations

Blog Post
Project Presentation

Course Grade Determination

Letter Grade
Grade Points
≥ 98 to < 100
≥ 95 to < 98
≥ 90 to < 95
≥ 87to < 90
≥ 84 to < 87
≥ 80 to < 84
≥77 to < 80
≥ 74 to < 77
≥ 70 to < 74
≥ 65 to < 70
≥ 55 to < 65
0 to < 55

Accreditation (ABET) Category Content

·         Engineering Science – 3 Credits (100%)


University Policies  (Alphabetical)

Academic Integrity

·         University academic integrity policies, including but not limited to those on plagiarism and cheating, will be applied in this course. Detailed statements describing these items have been published by the Provost’s Office. The grievance procedures can be found in the Student Code of Conduct within the Student Handbook. You can download a PDF version of the Handbook, or copy the following URL into your browser -
·         Be forewarned that all plagiarism cases will be reported to your academic Chair and subsequently to Drexel's Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards. As per the academic policy of the University, sanctions for a first offense include (at the instructor's discretion, depending on the severity of the offense):
o   Reduction of the course grade
o   A failure for the assignment or exam
o   Failure for the course with inability to withdraw
o   Other action deemed appropriate (including but not limited to requirement to re-complete the assignment, complete an additional assignment, etc.)
·         Violations beyond the first offense are subject to the sanctions above as well as disciplinary action imposed through the University's judicial process (Office of Judicial Affairs).These sanctions may include suspension or expulsion from the University.
·         Submitting assignments previously submitted in other courses constitutes cheating.  In short you may not under any circumstances whatsoever submit work done in other courses for which credit was previously received or credit is currently pending.
·         Ignorance is not an acceptable excuse. If you have any doubt, please talk to me. 

Course Drop and Withdrawal Policy

·         Once a student is registered, it is his/her responsibility to attend the course, drop the course, or withdraw from the course. Dropping and withdrawing are distinct actions governed by different policies and impact a student's course enrollment status.
·         Add/Drop Policy:
o   Dropping a course causes the name of the course to disappear from the student's transcript.
o   Dropping or adding a course must occur within the first week of the term.
·         Withdrawal Policy:
o   Withdrawing from a course causes both the name of the course and the grade of "W" to appear on the student's transcript. Before withdrawing from a course, students should consult the instructor.  All students must obtain the instructor's and the Academic Advisor's signature on the "Add/Drop/Withdraw" form, which is available on the website of DrexelCentral.
o   Withdrawal must occur by the end of the 7th week of the term.
·         There are billing consequences and academic record impact during this process; therefore, the student must attend to the proper procedure when dropping or withdrawing from a course.
·         Stopping Course Attendance
o   If a student stops attending a course, she/he will not be automatically dropped from the course and she/he will receive a grade according to her/his overall performance. It is the student's responsibility to make sure that she/he is properly enrolled or de-enrolled in the course.

Financial Obligations

·         Students who do not satisfy financial obligations to Drexel University are not entitled to a grade by the instructor or the University.

Students Needing Accommodations

·         Students requesting accommodations due to a disability at Drexel University need to present a current Accommodation Verification Letter (AVL) to faculty before accommodations can be made. AVL’s are issued by the Office of Disability Resources (ODR). For additional information, visit the ODR website, or contact the Office for more information: 215-895-1401 (V), or

Course Policies (Alphabetical)

Academic Support

·         The Academic Center for Engineers (ACE) does not support this course. Please contact the instructor for additional help.

Assignment Submission Timing

·         Submissions are due at the start of class unless otherwise noted in BbLearn.
·         If you encounter difficulty of any sort send an Email notifying the instructor of the difficulty. Any Email must be dated at least an hour before the submission time.

Class Attendance

·         Students are expected to be present at all meetings of the class, whether or not attendance is taken.
·         Even when regular attendance is not taken, significant unexplained absences at critical sessions such as presentations may result in a reduced term grade.

Course Assignment and Deadlines Change Policy

·         Assignments and deadlines are subject to change. Should this syllabus need to be changed for any reason, the details of the change will be clearly posted on the Blackboard Learn course site, and will be circulated to each student through a Bb Learn announcement.

Course End-of-Term Evaluation

·         Your feedback about the course and instructor is the only way instructors and academic units can improve the quality of a course and its content. Courses are evaluated electronically via AEFIS. The evaluations are entirely confidential.

End of Term

·         No work will be accepted after the due date for the last assignment.

Extra credit work

·         No extra credit assignments will be available

Grading Policy

·         We reserve the right to deduct up to 40% for persistent absence from class or disruptive behavior in class.
·         We may change the scoring or the weighting during the term if we perceive difficulties or the schedule changes. Any changes will be announced via BbLearn and in class.
·         In recognition of the possibility of grading error on our parts we are always willing to discuss a grade. However, we're much more likely to change a grade if the discussion occurs soon after the grade is received. We will not lower a grade, only improve it in recognition of errors in grading, unless an instance of plagiarism becomes apparent.
·         Unexecused late work will automatically receive a 10% point penalty with up to a 25% point penalty for work delayed without excuse more than a day.
·         Work will not be accepted more than a week late.
·         No work will be accepted after the due date for the last assignment.
·         Revisions of assignments will not be accepted for improved grades.


·         Collaboration on homework is permitted and encouraged, but each student must turn in their own work (no photocopies or shared files) except in the case of team projects.
·         The submission must include your name and date
·         Homework is due by the start of class on the due date unless noted otherwise.
·         No late or emailed homework will be accepted unless there is a prior agreement with the instructor.

Incomplete Policy

·         Incomplete (INC) grades are strongly discouraged and will only be given to students under extraordinary circumstances. Students applying for an Incomplete must have completed at least 70% of the work in the course and should have earned a passing grade for that work. A request for an Incomplete must be made by the last day of the term.  Furthermore, a written contract must be agreed to by instructor and student before the Incomplete will be granted.

Posting of Course Materials

·         The instructor may post various materials to the online course space including documents, videos, links, and other related items. These materials are for use by students enrolled in this section of the course only and are not to be distributed by any student in the class to anyone or posted anywhere online. Websites such as, etc., exist, but the instructor will consider posting materials to that or any other website (or distributing them by any other means) as an academic integrity violation.  This is in the best interest of other students since the materials distributed elsewhere may not be the most up-to-date and could negatively impact a student’s future grade if assignments or materials had changed since the unapproved distribution.

Response Times

·         The schedule for providing grades and feedback on course components is as follows:
o   Homework - Graded homework will be returned in one week.
o   Emails - Course staff will respond to emails within 48 hours during weekdays and often sooner.
·         If you have questions regarding your grades or the feedback you received, you are encouraged to contact the instructor within 5 business days of the items being graded. After this period scores are locked.  All questions must be received by the official end of classes for the term.

Software Accessibility Statements

·         Blackboard Learn:

Software Privacy Statements

·         Blackboard privacy information can be found at

Time Zone

·         All course times are given for the US eastern time zone, whether that be daylight savings or standard time.


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