Tuesday, March 13, 2018

B7 - Maita

I, initially, enrolled into AE 410 because it was a professional elective that fit my schedule and seemed to be interesting and somewhat relevant to my major. After ten weeks, this course has been a lot more than I thought it was going to be. It was a course that was sort of based on getting out of it what you put into it. Professor Mitchell presented the class with a lot of information on the topics covered and at some times that information was overwhelming. But it was presented in a way where it could be easily understood and used in the in-class assignments. Although we covered some topics that I thought I was familiar with (Revit, BIM, etc.) other topics like databases and even some aspects of Revit and CAD, like Dynamo, that I had no idea existed. One aspect of the class that I really enjoyed were the blog posts. Although they seemed somewhat repetitive and tedious, it was informative to read other students opinions and thoughts on the topics we were learning in class. The blog post format was also set up that depending on what group you were in, you researched different topics. I think I learned a lot more about these topics from reading student’s interpretations than I would have by reading the articles myself.

I think that Intelligent Buildings was a really great class that provided me information that I probably would never have learned if I never took the class. Being an AE with a structural concentration, my major tract never really touches on many of these topics in depth. I think that AE 410 provided relevant information even though it was not directly related to my concentration. Going forward in the rest of my time at Drexel and in my profession career, I would want to learn more about the topics of intelligent buildings. The field is ever changing as technology becomes more and more advanced and it can be used to improve buildings from every aspect, including the design phase and the implemented technologies.

Dee Dee: I agree with your point about the guest lecturers; I think that having someone come in and explain and show how all the technology and things we were learning in class are used in industry added to the class.

Sarah: I think also that the Revit project was one of the more enjoyable parts of the class. I do not have a great background in Revit so it was cool to learn how to do some of the more technical things like making a family.

Brad: I agree that the way the scheduling of the class was set up was beneficial to learning. It gave Professor Mitchell a lot of time to go over the topics he was presenting in full without having to rush through anything.


  1. Maita,
    I also signed up for AE410 because it was a professional elective that fit my schedule and much like you I ended up really enjoying the class. It really put into prospective just how many different technologies exist and how they are evolving to solve modern problems. Just knowing that these technologies are out there gives us an advantage but having a basic understanding of some of them (BIM, Revit, Access) will be very useful going forward.

  2. Andrew,
    I like how you discussed how reading the posts furthered your understanding of different topics. I too felt that by reading other students thoughts I was able to understand topics better especially when it came to databases where I did not understand their purpose until looking at others posts.

  3. Andrew,

    I like you signed up for AE 410 for the reason that it could count as a Technical Elective for one of majors. I had also heard from others that it was an interesting class and many recommended it to me. This put into perspective the various technologies that are already in place in the industry that I had not realized until taking this course. Reflecting on my co-ops I am able to see these technologies at work and the potential for them all.


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