Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Course Refection - Da Costa, Marino

This probably one of the most interesting classes I have ever taken at Drexel. Besides its fun and interesting, it also gives a lot of information about building technology. The most enjoyable assignment was the final project. I never thought I was going to design an underground building using Revit. There were some difficulties but the Revit assignment helped me and my team partner, Bach, to finish the final project successfully.

 I took info 210 and learnt a lot about database but I didn’t get a chance to learn how to use Database Access a lot since the professor from info 210 more focused on the Oracle Database program. The database assignment definitely deeper my understanding in database relationship between 1 to many better. Database allows you to think and break complex information into groups that have relationship with each other.

Furthermore, it was really fascinating to learn from two guest speakers about sensor and BIM. I personally gained a lot of information from both speakers. I never thought of sensors whenever I entered any building in the past but now it’s weird that whenever I go to a new building I am always curious to find out what time of sensors are in that building and where they are located.

Another interesting thing about this Intelligent building class was having an opportunity to learn and share knowledge between students in class. Some students have more or deeper understanding about intelligent building and technology and the fact that they share what they know with others is truly amazing. The blog assignments are definitely better way to connect the students with each other in class.

All the feedbacks that the professor Mitchell provided after students submitted their work assignments are very useful. The professor took his time to write all his feedbacks as clear as possible so the students can take and learn. I have experienced writing or working final projects and later submitted but never get very useful feedback in the past from some other classes. Therefore, I really appreciate that professor Mitchell has a unique way of teaching his students.

This class offers lots of information about intelligent building and technology. I am curious to see and find out about the new technology in the next 5 to 6 years. I never thought it would possible to have a 3D printer to print steel bridge in the air but hey there is one now!. This class allows you to think possible what about is going to be next in the future. It makes you think crazy about the world but I believe if you think crazy about things that never exist before you might be the next Elon Musk.


Thanks for sharing your reflection of this class. I am glad to hear that you gained some great knowledges from this class. I also think that database assignment was interesting even after we took the INFO 210 together. It really challenged us to crease sensors database with the real existing building. I also agree that this class is one of the best required classes for a Digital Building concentration.


I really enjoyed reading your reflection from this class. Especially when you talked about how BIM will impact on everything you do in the future. I also feel the same and I am glad that we learned how to use Revit in class. It was my first time learning Revit from Professor Mitchell in the previous course but I am glad he made one assignment from this class about design a building using Revit.


I was going to write about how the technology will affect engineers in the future as you did but I wrote quite a lot in my reflection so I didn’t. Anyway, I am glad that you brought up this topic in your reflection. I think even new technologies can be scared for us as engineers since they might take over our jobs but I think it’s good since they will help us to make the world to be a better place. We can finally design and building things that we thought impossible before.

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