Tuesday, March 13, 2018

B7 - Course Reflection

AE410: Intelligent buildings taught by Dr. James Mitchell looked at the building industry and how it is changing with technological advancements. Goal of the course was to enable students with an understanding of the impact technologies could have in their professional careers. More specifically class explored Information technology aspects of a buildings life cycle with includes design to demolition. Students learnt about BIM (Building information modelling), Database operations and networks. Class tasked students with reading and discussing scholarly articles with the aid of blog posts as well as taking an in depth look at a specific branch of intelligent buildings by taking on a project or writing a paper.

Personally, the class was a lot different than I imagined, I expected technical outlook on intelligent technologies and how they impact the building i.e. Electrical consumption, implementation and installation. However, I got more than I intended. Class looked at the topic from a broader aspect, by questioning what it means for a building to be intelligent, looking at intelligent technologies before construction started and the possible future of intelligent technologies in the architect, engineer, and contractor industry.

Weekly blogposts were efficient in the sense that each student was not reporting on the exact same topic or was looking at the same topic from a different approach or angle. This allowed us to learn from each other and provided avenues to learn more: We covered more content in this way.. Projects assigned during class duration were well guided by professor. Database and Bookcase projects required preliminary submissions which allowed professor to make comments and give feedback on how to better develop final submission for effective learning process. Submissions also required a writing component to them which required students to report their findings and difficulties. This allowed student reflection for a better learning process and also give course instructor feedback on how to better structure projects for future students taking the class.

Final project required in depth technical research typical of a 400 level engineering class. This charged students with picking a desired topic and seeing it through. A great deal was learnt in this manner and presentation allows students to bounce ideas of each other. In general AE 410 is a really efficient and effective class. Being a Civil engineering the tools picked up from class will definitely come into play in my professional career.

Shaden - I like that you enjoyed the futuristic outlook on the AEC industry. i was more fixated on the pre design and pre construction applications. I do liked that we also looked at Artificial intelligence and how it could play in the future, i would previously not have agreed it had any impact on the AEC industry. I to do not think i would have found myself looking at Microsoft access if not for this class.

Cody Johnson - I like that this class has had an impact on your career goals and objectives. I myself briefly considered gearing my career goals to be in line with Building information modeling if i decided to take the general contractor route. Access was also new and eye opening, if not for this class i am not sure i would have explored databases.

Jacob Wahbeh - I like that you pointed out the connotation of the AEC industry to be old without technological advancements. I who i am a member of the industry also in some sense thought this way. This class has more than shown me that that is not the case. It in facts uses technological advancements from pre design to construction.


  1. Malik,

    I like your approach about the course reflection; first I agree with you by saying that most of us had different opinions about the course, and our expectations were totally outside of the scope of the course. Also, your opinion about the weekly blog posts is well-expressed because every student had posted something unique every week which makes it interesting to read about the many subjects covered in class.

  2. After reading your post, you made me think about “what did I expect of this course when I started,” and I think you articulate well that AE 510 encompassed a much broader scope with big-picture ideas that I was anticipating. I also discussed in my post the benefit of the blog posts to help the class collectively cover more content. I thought many of the topics we discussed were very interesting, and I agree that these discussions will help prepare us for the professional world.

  3. Malik,
    I absolutely agree that the blog posts were helpful in not only making us research a weekly topic but also getting feedback and seeing different perspectives. This is not only good for the class but also helps when we need to work with others with different backgrounds in the field. The class helped us understand more about our future work and what we will end up dealing with in terms of technology. AE410 was able to teach us both new technical skills with BIM and databases, as well as develop an understanding of what technologies we will face in the future as we advance in our careers.


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