Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Thach-Course Reflection

Overall, I really enjoyed the class. The purpose of the course was to have students become more comfortable with the technologies that make a building an intelligent building. Also, to make students aware of the different databases that designer and owners use to collect and find data. I believe that this was accomplished by Prof. Mitchell. After the class I am not more comfortable using Parametric Design applications like Revit and I now have an understanding of how it can be used more in the industry. The Revit project was a great project to help students who never used Revit before get a simple introduction and for students are experienced a chance to get more practice with it outside of work.

I really enjoyed the concept of the blog post as it forced students to research different topics that all fall under the category of intelligent building. This includes artificial intelligence, sensors and networks. Adding the part where students comment each other’s work seemed like a lot of work but it was helpful because it allowed us to learn from each other and understand people’s perspective on the various topics. I believe that this class has taught students a lot about topics we were not aware of before, thus making students more prepared for the future.

My favorite component of the class was the videos and the guest lecturers. I think they were very helpful and insightful. The topics that were discussed were interesting and the lecturers made students very comfortable. For students who were on fringe about entering that specific field, it helped guide them to the right field. In terms, of things I did not like, I just wish that we were given a bit more time to complete the individual projects. I felt rushed at times and felt that it was one of the reasons why some of my projects lacked detail. In conclusion, I think I learned a lot from this course and I am happy that I had the opportunity to take before graduating.

Dee Dee:
I agree with you because the guest lecturers were one of my favorite parts of the class. I think that they brought their expertise to each lecture. I too think the new overwhelming movement of robotics and AI is worrisome just because I’m afraid that it will lead to the demise of the human race but it can be because I am paranoid.

I really enjoyed you personal input about the applications you use at work and how you were able to tie it into the things that were covered in class. Your thoughts about sensors was really good and you made some really insightful points.

I really enjoyed you blog post, I think it was very insightful and you summarize the benefits of the class very well. I like how you were about to tie in your other classes into post. INFO 210 did teach us about the theory of database but it was helpful that this class had us actually create and edit our own database using something other than SQL.

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