Tuesday, March 13, 2018

B7 Course Reflection

Taking intelligent building has been an interesting choice for me this term; walking in into the course, I did not know what to expect because the concept of intelligent building was somehow new to me. As we started to get into the weekly subjects, the knowledge that I have gained during this term have influenced my area of interest for future career goals and studies.

For instance, with the various assignments, I was able to first learn more about blogs, and database which was at the time a concept that I was studying, and it was presented in a different view that had allowed me to understand better what I am studying in a different course. Then, the couple assignments on Microsoft Access had given me the basics that I need to further use this program because even though I have use it extensively before, the concepts behind the relationships among the tables were new and challenging at first. Also, during the research for my final project, I was able to gain more knowledge on green building and intelligent building.

Prior to this course, I had never thought of sensors and robotics as tools that would impact greatly the construction industry, and known that intelligent building is a dynamic and responsive architecture that provides every occupant with productive, cost-effective and environmentally approved conditions through a continuous interaction among its basic elements: places (fabric; structure; facilities); process (automation; control; systems); people (services; users) and management (maintenance; performance) and the interrelation between them.” (Architectural Science Review, Volume 59, 2016, Issue 5), or green building involves the creation of structures using processes that are environmental friendly and efficient throughout a building life’s cycle such as siting, design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and deconstruction, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

Overall, I would say that I have truly enjoyed this course, and the way many subjects were introduced during the lecture; This process makes the time worthwhile and has increased my curiosity about multiple subjects within the construction industry. I can wait to use some of the concepts that I have learned in this course, and I am looking forward to see how the evolution of technology would influence this course and the future of our industry.


I like your approach about the course reflection; first I agree with you by saying that most of us had different opinions about the course, and our expectations were totally outside of the scope of the course. Also, your opinion about the weekly blog posts is well-expressed because every student had posted something unique every week which makes it interesting to read about the many subjects covered in class.

It was interesting that you have mentioned the many technological concepts  learned during this course, and your opinions about the classroom and some of the things that we could improve in this course is truly appreciated.

Most of us would agree about your opinions on this course; it is true that the class is a reflection of one’s work, time, and effort. I found your final project interesting, and the correlation that you have drawn between this course, the construction industry and the future is worth looking into.

1 comment:

  1. Mariano,
    I agree that it was tough to understand how sensors and robotics would actually have a great impact on the future of the construction industry before taking the class. Understanding sensors and what they do is crucial for everyone in our line of work. We had a motion sensor on site for one of my coop jobs that would constantly go off. My company would get calls trying to figure out why they were getting high activity readings which was actually just because of wind and not our work. Sensors are important for regulating but it is also important to understand what could be causing different readings when you are on the wrong end of it. They will only get more prevalent in construction as people want to always know what is taking place.


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