Tuesday, March 13, 2018

B7 - Sarina Tufano

Final Reflection:

As I reflect on this class, I realize that I have learned a lot and I think that the class has learned a lot as a whole. I really like the dynamic that you as a professor have when teaching the course. Being a BS/MS student, it is nice to be able to take the course with undergrads both of the senior and junior level. I like being able to work in groups with everyone. I like how the groups are random so we are giving the opportunity to meet our classmates and work with them in an intelligent setting.  I think it creates a good environment for networking. When you are working in a group with people, ideas start flowing and you learn a lot. You can hear people’s opinions and reasoning for why they comment on something versus what your comment was. This helps me be a more open minded person. It helps me understand how other people think versus how I think also. This has opened my mind to take these opinions and reasons into consideration for next time I make a comment or a decision on something. I think a lot of this class was about the experience that you received attending the class. I enjoyed the guest lectures. It is very cool to hear about people who were in the same shoes as us a couple years ago and have come back to give us advice. It is really nice that they take time out of their busy schedules to enlighten us and even offer us opportunities for employment and networking. I think that this class is more than what I would have gotten out of a typical elective and I am very happy that I chose to take it. I learned a lot about intelligent buildings in general, but when I learned the most was when we were doing independent research for our final projects. This helped me really understand intelligent buildings in depth and at my own pace. I didn’t know a lot about the intelligent aspects of buildings today and I have a better appreciation for them. I now understand in depth about many intelligent aspects of buildings which is great to know for the future. After this class, I am actually considering a field associate with the aspects of intelligent buildings. I can absolutely see myself using the information I researched for my final project in the future. I have already been telling people about it since the completion of the project because I am so fascinated by it. If someone sees my appreciation for this maybe that could help me get a job after graduation. Thank you for this course!


Andrew Maita:

You and I both didn't know what to expect from this course. You bring up a great point about your prior interest in intelligent buildings. I didn't have an interest prior to this class specifically, but I absolutely do now. It's funny how just one course can change your mind about what you are thinking about focusing in after college. I am really glad I was exposed to this material such early on because I wasn't aware of all there is to learn about. 

Dee Dee Strohl:

Your reflection of the future of this class reminds me of a blog post that my group had to do one week when thinking about future advantages and disadvantages of this technology and information. I really do see a benefit in the technology advancing. However, I am also aware of the cautiousness you are referring to as we advance. It is good that we are seeing the positives and negatives because there are always both to any given situation. When you neglect to see the other side of the argument is when bad things could happen. I think if we are well aware of the negatives that could arose we are more likely to possibly avoid them.

Jacob Wahbeh:

Through all that I talked about in my reflection, I realized after reading your response, that I forgot to mention the plethora of databases that we have been exposed to. Your response was very insightful and I agree with your point of view as I have also learned a lot about databases.

1 comment:

  1. Sarina,

    I enjoyed the ability to have an undergrad and graduate level course applied to intelligent buildings. Group work is definitely a crucial factor in the field and the few in-class blog assignments were a useful tool that portrayed this. At the same time, the individual posts did, as you mentioned, allow for us to explore personal interests as related to the field.


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