Tuesday, January 23, 2018

B2- Chapter 5 "BIM for Architects and Engineers"

Chapter 5 of BIM Handbook starts off with explaining the typical process of completing a project, where things start with the design process followed by an open Bid performed by a general contractor to obtain the lowest possible cost that may provide to complete a job.   
Commonly building projects are traditionally run based on initially defining the architectural system, which involves the following listed below as stated in the chapters as the “traditional design process”:

Later the chapter explains how the traditional process may lack time efficiency leading to more cost which is not in the owner’s interest, such as design changes which can lead other parties involved in the project to make more profit on the project due to orders of change.

The following listed below are the “range of often used technical services”, which are traditionally involved in a project, while most of the listing are supported through BIM:

The advantage of having such technical features within one place allows the use of Integrated Project Delivery “IPD”, which is a designing method used to have all parties required on a project to work together, such as the architect, mechanical engineer, structural engineer, electrical engineer, owner, etc. Gathering all parties involved in a project to work together in the designing process allows lack of miss communication, time efficiency, and a project with higher efficiency for all systems compared to a traditional preformed project.

The following listed below are “Building system layout applications” that can be used to perform analysis and design o several building systems:

From the list above it can be seen that most application may not support some systems, but may be supported by one another through different application, and that is achieved through importing and exporting for purposes of design, simulations and analysis.

The chapter also discusses how many companies have become heavily dependent on BIM except for structural systems, which is progressing at a slower rate of use compared to other building systems. In addition to the requirements of migrating a company’s work activity to use BIM tools requires system configuration that may require not only server update but hardware updates, and training to achieve proficiency of use.

Other updates that come with using BIM tools is change of staff demands that may lead to requiring less amount of people on a project or less number of hours. The table below shows average project hour’s demand change before and after the use of BIM tools.

I believe that Chapter 5 is very rich with information, while the scope of the chapter is way beyond the scope of the discussion. Therefore, I recommend having the chapter read.

Eastman, Charles M. BIM Handbook : A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers and Contractors. vol. 2nd ed, Wiley, 2011. EBSCOhost, ezproxy2.library.drexel.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=364239&site=ehost-live.

After reading post and seeing that there are BIM tools of owners you have made me interested to read section 4.2, since I never thought there are such tools for owners and I thought owners just mainly depend on a manger they have hired or something. It’s interesting how this software not only show project related design and engineering related data, but also market related features.

Thomas Sisson - Blog Post 2 - Interoperability

Interoperability has been well explained, and I have to agree with sherry the interactions of all parties of a project has been a theme and emphasize throughout the chapters, which emphasis how greatly interoperability will emphasize the future of Integrated Design Projects. However, I have to disagree with you about having these programs take thousands of engineering jobs, because these programs can have errors and specialized engineers will be required to identify those errors based on the results of simulations of a model, and of course for many other reasons they won’t take engineer jobs.

Unfortunately, parties involved in a project as you mentioned such as general contracts abuse the idea of change of orders just to make more profit out of a project, and unfortunately many companies are still not proficient and lack understanding the Capability’s of BIM tools, which leading me to believe an IPD would be the best case scenario to adopt as a traditional process for projects.

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