Tuesday, January 9, 2018

First Post

      Hi my name is Jacob Wahbeh, I am a senior civil & architectural engineer with a concentration in digital buildings. My background in intelligent buildings comes from both my previous professional and academic experience. In last year architectural design course I was exposed to intelligent buildings and with different groups over 6 months learned the process and elements that go into understanding intelligent buildings. These culminated with projects in architecture design, structures, mechanical, and sustainability. I also professionally had experience on site at the new CHOP Schuykill building where I got to see the culmination of these practices into one project.

     The expectations I have for this course is to not only understand more about how intelligent buildings are formed. But also have the skills to be able to orchestrate projects where intelligent elements can be added into and used.

     The evernote I found the most interest in was looking at how amazon echo and google home can become key players in virtual assisting bank systems. As technology with echo and google home advance the use of these systems within the banking and finance world can become more important.

     I define intelligent buildings as the proper use of the surrounding technologies around us into construction and the civil engineering . Furthermore integrating this tech for the betterment of the building and efficiency of its use.

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