Sunday, January 14, 2018

Milligan - Blog Post 1

My high school chemistry teacher instilled in all of his students the idea that everything is connected – and this article continues this idea on a technology-based level. Integrating technologies together will make them more efficient and ideally more useful to users. The advancements made in AI are already impressive as they stand, but the idea that the same artificial intelligence could span across multiple physical technologies takes the concept to a new level. The article discusses other methods of utilizing this technology that are far beyond just being able to talk to “Alexa” on multiple devices; it discusses reaching a level of a complete smart house. Seemingly ahead of its time, Disney released a movie in 1999, Smart House, in which the AI of a connected house continues to develop its own personality and takes over the family. This demonstrates that although utilizing AI will make our lives more efficient and streamlined, there are inherent dangers in creating something “smarter” than ourselves.

I found an interesting article under the Computer tag about the plan to build a skyscraper that doesn’t cast a shadow. Computers are integral to the field of architectural engineering in this era. Almost all firms utilize computer technologies for their design and construction processes, and those that don’t are often left in the shadows (no pun intended). This article is a great example of how computers can be used not just as a tool to streamline design, but to improve it in ways not previously possible. A firm in London used computer design software to design a pair of buildings that would reflect light off of each other in a way that minimizes darkness at their bases. This improves on traditional skyscraper design that results in large shadows and darkness near the lower floors and ground level.

This video, which was found by searching under the Software tag, is very interesting as it discusses how to use software in the construction industry. Many people would attest to the fact that the software used on a construction project can make or break it. An efficient, powerful software can greatly improve the work flow of a construction project. However, on the other hand, a tedious and clunky software can create tensions, frustrations, and delays over the construction process. This video specifically talked about apps that can be used in different parts of construction. There are apps, which ideally can work together, to efficiently manage safety, daily reports, photos, and more.


This video discusses some technologies that could change the construction in the future. The six technologies discussed are: wearable tech, robotics, internet of things, virtual reality, UAVs, and 3D printing. Wearable tech could be used to monitor the location of personnel on site, or gathering other data from the wearer, such as temperature or heart rate. Taking this idea to a new level with the inclusion of virtual reality, it could even be used for augmented reality to understand from a design perspective what is happening on the construction site. Robotics aim to increase efficiency and safety of construction sites. The internet of things involves a high level of connectivity and data collection that can provide feedback to construction managers about the work flows and efficiency of their teams, and much more. All of the ways IoT can benefit construction are still being worked out. UAVs are often used for inspections and progress reporting, but their contribution to construction continues to grow. 3D printing has the potential to change construction completely. It allows for the design of new structures and shapes, and the construction ability of things that were never able to be build before.

The first article you posted about seems really interesting. It is really interesting to approach engineering problems from a non-engineering point of view. This reminds me of some of the articles I read regarding the connectivity of things. In this case, it is important for different schools of thought to be connected as well.

Chris: Your post does a great job of incorporating all of the topics you researched into one idea. Bringing sociology into the conversation of technological advancements really enhances your discussion of these ideas. You make a great point about security regarding the use of some of these technologies. While in banking these securities are absolutely valid and must be considered, we are at an advantage that security may not be as critical to utilizing these technologies in construction and design fields.

Jordan: The information you posted about regarding 3D printing and the future was extremely interesting. You make a great point about thinking outside of the norm that 3D printing is all about what it can make. As you point out, it is really important to consider what it can do. It is important, I think, to consider this point of view with all of the technologies we have been discussion. It is not just a matter of "what it does," but it is a matter of "what it can do."


  1. Kerry,

    The article discussing the use of an AI to design a skyscraper was very good read. Being able to plug in design criteria into a computer and have it spit out results that humans then can sift through for usable designs is very fascinating. Although a computer may not know if the results it returns are applicable in any way, since we can refine the criteria that we want, the computer can become more and more helpful to designers. It makes me curious as to what the future holds for designers and engineers alike.

  2. Kerry,
    You piece on the future of how technology can affect the construction industry makes some really good points and I personally think technology will make its way there and change the whole entire landscape. I like the direction you went in by saying these technology can help with construction safety, ultimately helping firms monitor their employees and make sure problems and injuries don’t occur.

  3. Kerry,
    I stumbled across the shadow-less skyscraper article at some point, and I also found it pretty incredible. As you said, it isn't really just about this one specific design being done, but about what is now possible given the growing computer technologies. I would like to see this one specific building constructed, however, because I feel standing around it would be an unreal experience. Other possible designs such as maximizing solar energy potential and the use of wind as potential energy could prove to be very good uses of this technology.

  4. Kerry
    I like the video about software you posted. Before I watch that and read your discussion, I thought we only use software in the design phase behind a computer. But with the development of mobile devices, we are able to use apps during construction phase on filed. This can make the project manager or construction engineer perform their work in a more safety and effective way.


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