Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Sarina Tufano's Introduction


My name is Sarina Tufano and my relevance to this "Intelligent Buildings" course is that I am a civil engineering major in the BS/MS program with a structural concentration. By the end of this course, I hope to be more familiar different databases we might use. I also want to become familiar with BIM since I know very little about it right now. An Evernote note that I found most interesting was named "Why (most) Future Robots Won't Look Like Robots" (link: http://www.kurzweilai.net/why-most-future-robots-wont-look-like-robots). The article talks about how robots are technically everywhere and help us everyday even though they might not look like the typical robot we are used to seeing in movies. Lastly, my initial definition of "Intelligent Buildings" would just have to be engineers thinking of smarter, greener and more efficient ways to complete the construction of buildings.

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