Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Marino da Costa

1.     Robotics and Future
Robot David Drilling and Hammering into Concrete

This article illustrates how a robot can do the drilling and hammering into concrete. Drilling and hammering job in construction world are not an easy job for contractor and subcontractor. Besides the vibration from drilling and hammering can harm the joints of the human’s bones structure in a long run it also has higher risks of getting injured. Therefore, this technology is very important since it allows the robots to do the heavy work such as drilling and hammering. However, this new technology can reduce the number of jobs for people since some companies might prefer using robots to do the work since they don’t have to pay for robots’ salary, benefits, health insurance, and they also don’t have to worry about their employers getting hurt. The future robots can work on building foundation such as do the geotechnical work and structure work of the building.

2.     AI and Future
a.     The Architecture of Artificial Intelligence

b.     One virtual assistant to rule them all? Bankers already getting prepped

 This article in the section five Mark Zuckerberg discusses his personal project about designing architecture around AI systems. He wants to design the building that has ability to recognize and respond to the human’s voices such as the members of the household. In this article also discuss about how the building itself can monitor its own energy. The second article talks about a new technology that recently discover by Amazon called Alexa. It’s similar to what has been discuss in the first article. Amazon Alexa is an intelligent personal assistant that can recognize and responds to request from human. It also has ability to connect to thermostat as well as lighting control in the building. This means that it can control the temperature inside the building, it also can turn on and off the lights inside the building just by giving a command to Alexa. This is a great technology that can be developed and change the traditional house into smart house.  

3.     3D Printing and Future

MX3D | 3D print steel Bridge

This article presents the idea of how using the robot’s arms tipped with welder to 3D printing steel Bridge. In this article they illustrate the video of how the steel bridge can actually be printed in the midair and they test the quality of the bridge. This 3D printing can use other materials such as stainless steel, aluminum, bronze, and copper to print. This is a great invention of 3D printers since it can print the entire bridge without having structure supports and human’s intervention.  In addition, this article also mentioned about designing 3D printing houses. This means that in the future people can design their own house using Revit or other 3D program as they like and they can print it out. They no longer need the contractor and subcontractor to build the house for them.


I agree with what you said about how the 3D printing has gotten to the next level. I think it gives great opportunity to the designers to design an impossible building with complicated shape can be printed. It won’t be an issue anymore for the designers to design building without worry about if it can be built or not. The 3D printing can print anything unlike contractor still have issues build a complicated structure.


Database technology is definitely making our lives much easier since we can put all our documents in the clouds without having to keep the hard documents in the building. One of the biggest issue that I found from keeping important documents on the clouds is that hackers who are trying to hack our clouds and steal our personal information as their daily job and they can do that in anywhere in the world as long as they are connect to the internet.


Future: Thanks for sharing w the link of 6 construction tech trends on your post. As I was watching the video I was thinking that the future is actually already here and all we can think now is how to use it for making our world better. It is possible now to change the world into a better place. For example, we can use 3D printing to print houses for homeless people, and print the houses for people who lost their home from natural disaster.


  1. Marino da Costa Comment: I like the light you shed on the health issues of humans on the tasks of hammering an drilling in construction. would have liked a metric on how bad the effects are on human health and how more efficiently robots will be able to carry out that task compared to humans.

  2. I think that applying AI technology to a building so hat it can respond to human's voice and control temperature as well as lighting is an extraordinary. However, I feel that this trend of AI technology will make people expose to a great risk of privacy violation.


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