Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Abdlmalik Anibaba B1

Group D Topics: HVAC, Sensors, Database, AI, and Future

Three Tech Trends Shifting the BIM Industry in 2016

By: Dennis Williams
Date: 07/21/16

The article by Dennis Williams describes the relationships between BIM and elements of the AEC (Architect Engineer and construction) industry. It inter relates building automation, Cloud databases, and augmented reality. It drives its point using hvac automations and building sensors as inputs for BIM.  The article discusses the capabilities of pairing building automation with the Internet of things. In todays world we already make use of these combination at a small scale. The use of smart building thermostats, communicative fridges and reactive lighting already embody this combination. On a more advanced scale pairing BIM software with the Internet of things could become a major development. Building engineers and architects already make use of software that tracks and estimates water and energy use in buildings. This software with the Internet of things would automate response to real time data the building is already tracking. The article makes a compelling argument that the future use would monitor occupant’s behavior in a building and will cause building systems to act accordingly for optimal performance.

The article later discusses a highly beneficial upgrade in database technology, the ability to access the “cloud” remotely. The cloud is referred to as an online database the securely upholds file and data. This technology allows you to access this data in multiple locations around the world to help ease the process of construction. Further advancements of the cloud capabilities is ability to work on a file or access data simultaneously with other colleagues. This ability cuts down time spent on meetings and back and forth communication or transportation.

Last paragraphs of article discusses augmented reality applications and their benefits to AEC (Architect Engineer and construction) industry, more specifically architects. I am however more interested in the future use of this technology. In today’s world augmented reality and virtual reality aid designers and architects to visualize and interact with designs drawn up with BIM. The future of this technology could demonstrate to engineer’s deflection in beams, it could allow architects take on the role of an occupant in a space and make use of the building in different scenarios to optimize building design.

The interrelationship of HVAC, Sensors, Database, AI, and Future prove highly beneficial to the AEC industry.

Khemlani, Lachmi. “Three Tech Trends Shifting the BIM Industry in 2016AECbytes Viewpoint #80 (July 21, 2016).” Three Tech Trends Shifting the BIM Industry in 2016: AECbytes Viewpoint, www.aecbytes.com/viewpoint/2016/issue_80.html.


Marino da Costa Comment: I like the light you shed on the health issues of humans on the tasks of hammering an drilling in construction.  would have liked a metric on how bad the effects are on human health and how more efficiently robots will be able to carry out that task compared to humans.
Amisial Comment: I liked your outlook on AI i would like to say i feel the same regarding its advancement. However i am skeptical about what it could mean for the future and would recommend immediate regulations. The earlier we understand and control AI abilities the safer the advancement for society.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Abdlmalik,

    Database technology is definitely making our lives much easier since we can put all our documents in the clouds without having to keep the hard documents in the building. One of the biggest issue that I found from keeping important documents on the clouds is that hackers who are trying to hack our clouds and steal our personal information as their daily job and they can do that in anywhere in the world as long as they are connect to the internet.


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