Monday, January 15, 2018

Christopher Thach- Blog Post 1

Christopher Thach
Group E
Topics: Database, Network, Sociology and Future

As we head towards the future of consumer technology, every major tech firm is creating their own version of a virtual assistant. Google has the google-home and Amazon has Alexa. These virtual assistants have become very important to everyday life. They can answer everyday questions, such as what the weather is, or they can perform more difficult things like set reminders and online shop. One major aspect to the VA is its ability to access large databases like Google and can even create and edit its own smaller database. I believe that these technological aspects can be moved to the architectural and construction business. In the design process, these virtual assistants can aid designers in the design process. Answering questions and can make the process smoother. Bankers are trying to implement google home and Amazon echoes in their line of work. But there are certain security problems that can arise, because they can be fear of hacking into companies’ network and steal customer information from the company’s database. But hopefully, these problems can be solved and people will see these virtual assistants become a bigger part of the workforce. As of now, consumers have to buy these products and put them into your house. But it is my opinion that these Virtual Assistants will come with new homes. These assistants can let homeowners know when things aren’t quite right by performing diagnosis of the home network and help aid the process in fixing everyday home issues. There are some people that don’t like these virtual assistants, it will take some time for the product to become something that all of society has. There are paranoia with these products because people think that big brother is watching. They feel like these products violate privacy, so there is a bit of backlash with them being implemented throughout society.



I think some really good points about the sensors and HVAC especially how companies are using them to maximize the efficiency and save both money and energy. I think that this idea will be really helpful because often times larger firms generate an extremely large amount of energy heating and cooling a space for about 50% occupancy. I think sensors can help make these companies more environmentally friendly. But the problem is that I’m not completely sure that companies will want to invest into the technology and make the switch. Some are so stuck in their ways that will waste money rather than try a new way of doing things.

You piece on the future of how technology can affect the construction industry makes some really good points and I personally think technology will make its way there and change the whole entire landscape. I like the direction you went in by saying these technology can help with construction safety, ultimately helping firms monitor their employees and make sure problems and injuries don’t occur.

I agree with your point on the smart vents. I am big fan of them and I think they can revolutionize the way MEP design moves forward. Smart vents are also environmentally friendly, so I can see them becoming more prominent as more sustainable buildings are built in the future. I think people who use them just need to weigh the pros and cons, the vents cost a lot of money but there can be a quicker return on investment, if the cost to operate lowers.


  1. Chris,
    I agree that security can be a very tough subject with this technology. It has been my opinion that no technology is 100% safe, since the production of that technology must be done by many programmers, some which can leave backdoors either intentionally or not in software. Now, however, I do think these issues can be solved by intense security vetting of programs that store this kind of date through A.I. that looks specifically for vulnerabilities.

  2. Chris,

    I think you are correct when addressing the security issues with the virtual assistants in terms of sensitive information, such as banking or social security. I think for them to be full fledged, they would need to be 100% safe. That being said, they are useful tools for homes. They can essentially change anything around the house using voice commands. I think that with more development they would be able to warn of household issues. This could actually become very useful, particularly to the elderly, when trying to contact emergency response teams.

  3. Chris - Your post does a great job of incorporating all of the topics you researched into one idea. Bringing sociology into the conversation of technological advancements really enhances your discussion of these ideas. You make a great point about security regarding the use of some of these technologies. While in banking these securities are absolutely valid and must be considered, we are at an advantage that security may not be as critical to utilizing these technologies in construction and design fields.

  4. Chris,
    I believe that the virtual assistant will be in homes, as some homes are already equipped with this type of technology which allows for the homeowner to do those things that you had touched on. This includes diagnosing issues or problems within the house, being able to then fix those problems yourself with the assist of the home, and other applications like drawing the blinds or changing the thermostat. There are a few issues which you touched on, the biggest being the security issues. A home that is equipped with this technology needs to be connected to a network and database opening the door to hackers who want to “for the fun of it” cause problems in the house or scare the occupants in the home. Although, if you use a security system in your home this could also be an issue. A hacker could get into your security system and tamper with it allowing for someone to break into your home, spy on you with the pre-installed cameras, and know your routines. Essentially, what I am getting at here is that with every new technological advancement their comes the issue of “how do we keep this secure.”


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