Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Jacob Wahbeh B1

Blog Post #1
Group E: Database, Network, Sociology, and Future

Metz, Cade. “Big Bets on A.I. Open a New Frontier for Chip Start-Ups, Too.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 14 Jan. 2018, www.nytimes.com/2018/01/14/technology/artificial-intelligence-chip-start-ups.html

For our group, the concepts discussed work well together because they are all interrelated. With common goals and similar affects each of these topics are key to understanding whats in store for the future. As discussed in our previous class, a neural network is a perfect example of this relationship between network, sociology, and the future. A neural network is an example of machine learning from Artificial Intelligence, where intelligence is exchanged on a platform to other bots. In this article it talks about how big companies are investing in this technology and big players in China are developing new AI chips and accelerating new forms of AI. Although AI isn't the subject this neural network is just an example of how information is now being shared.

Thomas. “Robots Can't Vote, but They Helped Elect Trump.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 11 Jan. 2018, www.nytimes.com/2018/01/11/opinion/trump-robots-electoral-college.html.

With new technology such as AI coming about it has a profound impact on society as a whole. The interactions that we have human-human can change with inclusion of robots and new technology. In this article it shows a reaction to this technology shift, where some become scared and vote more conservatively. Although I'm a supporter for this move, others can be very scared and this change and maybe with good reason.The competition in the work force as well as many other instances would be shared with this newfound AI technology.

Database & Future
Petrone, Justin. “As Consumer Genomics Databases Grow With New Users, Observers Ponder the Industry's Future.” GenomeWeb, 12 Jan. 2018, www.genomeweb.com/applied-markets/consumer-genomics-databases-grow-new-users-observers-ponder-industrys-future.

As discussed last class companies like Amazon and Google have been collecting data on all our searches and purchase. But in this article, it talks about how this colossal of data could be the creation of cognitive consultants. This rise could lead to a very intricate understanding of trends . Another article here also looked at how this could help us understand our genomes and background. These two examples show both how this data collection can create mobility in our understanding before and after.


Bach: I thought it was interesting how Sweden approaches AI much differently by embracing the technology. I think their approach is much more meticulous by applying them to dangerous work conditions first so they can train the people for new jobs. This was very interesting because AI isn't only relevant in China and the US but also worldwide. And how we approach this new technology is everything for how it affect society and advancement.

Sarina: I thought it was interesting how you looked into the actual military capabilities of AI technology. A big fear with this new technology is how the AI bots will approach these circumstances and if they would act individually of command. And it is a real concern moving forward because the thinking of AI is much different then our way of thinking as efficiency is the main goal. Elon Musk gave a quick circumstance in an interview that it was possible AI bots shot down the plane over Ukraine in order to efficiency resolve the Crimea conflict.

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