Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Sarina Tufano B1



"Artificial Intelligence and Automation Make Waves in Shipping"

In this article, artificial intelligence is not only used to physically deliver packages to customers but also to compile data. This provides for more accurate data since it is all computerized. As far as artificial intelligence physically delivering the packages, this cuts back on salary dollars that companies such as Amazon, paying for humans to deliver. Around the holiday season is when package delivery is the highest. With that being said, humans delivering these packages are being taken away from their families to deliver this holiday presents and they are most likely working at increased rates to compensate the loss of family time. It is continent for these workers to be replaced by artificial intelligence so alleviate this stress from the human workers. This would also save money for the company in the long run. It is probably a huge investment at first but it will soon be worth it. Yes, this will eliminate the need for humans to deliver packages but that only opens the door for more advanced jobs. For example, humans used to physically make items in a factory. This was not efficient in reference to time and money. Now that robots and probably artificial intelligence are making items in factories, they can be produced as exponential speed compared to a human producing the item. Since all the humans lost their jobs as factory workers there was a need for more advanced positions such as programming the artificial intelligence and robots and also fixing them if they break or have glitches. The more jobs like this advance the faster and more efficient technology will be. I think that soon human deliveries may be obsolete.



"10 Mind Blowing Ways Robots are Being Used in the Creative Industries"

This is a very interesting article because I was able to learn about a lot of fields where robots are used that I didn't know about. Most of the 10 listed in this article use 3-D printing machines to print glass, metal, yarn, foam and plastic for sculptures. My two favorite topics from the article are that there is a robotic arm that can draw intricate tattoos on humans and there is a machine that sorts fossils and rocks based on how old the rock or fossil is. Having a machine tattoo humans is a little scary to think about but I guess it could be completely safe. I know they have robots doing procedures on humans in the medical field so why not for recreation also! This would make the tattoo more accurate and probably have little to no mistakes. Although a down side to this is that it would not be an original tattoo. No matter how many times someone draws something it is going to be a little different each time they draw it. This might be a turn off to some customers because of the loss of authenticity the tattoo would no longer have. The geological rock sorter is insanely useful and an amazing invention in my opinion for one reason in particular. Humans have oils on their hands that destroy fossils the instant they touch it. Yes humans can wear gloves but there is also an possibility of human skin cells and hair follicles falling onto the specimens. This can all be eliminated with this great invention. Although the machine might be wrong sometimes, there would have to be some human interaction with the rocks to move them to the correct geological time period but that would still eliminate the need to have human oils and skin cells around the valuable specimens.



"Is This the Year 'Weaponised' AI Bots Do Battle?"

This article talks about programming artificial intelligence with software and if they are seen as enemies or friends. This becomes a fine line when we start letting AI complete most of the tasks. How much can we let the AI decide before they are making too crucial of a decision? The more control we sacrifice, the scary it can become. Software is the way that AI can do what we 'tell' them to do. Software can be programmed for AI to diagnosis cancer or heart problems in patients earlier than a doctor is able to tell. If they can find this for the most severe diseases imagine what they can do for very easy diseases such as the common cold. Software can be programmed with sensors which help them interact almost seamlessly with the environment around them. Although, senors aren't the only form of software programming that is available. AI can be programmed - through software- to recognize humans voices, faces and fingerprints. In my opinion, all things that software can do right now is a good and not harmful, but I feel it can become harmful when robots start fighting in wars. It might be chaos.



"GM Says Car With No Steering Wheel or Pedals Ready for Streets in 2019"

This is the coolest article I have ever read because I did not think we were anywhere near changing transportation this drastically. The future can be described by 10 minutes from now or 10 years from now. It all depends on what you're referring to. When this article is referring to as little as 1 year from now it puts how advanced we are becoming in perspective to know that changes as huge and impacting as this are here. The car would be able to drive and communicate with other vehicles through the internet of things (IOT). It will cause for quicker travel time and safer road experiences since there will be no distraction of a human behind the wheel. I heard of cars being sold on the market in the near future that are the smartest cars we have but still have a steering wheel and pedals for car shut downs or emergencies that might come up. In this case, the 'driver' would be able to take control of the car in case the software fails for any reason. I did not know that car without steering wheels and pedals were being introduced though as this form of transportation relies solely on the programming of the software and the senors around it. This is exciting for the future.


Abdlmalik Anibaba B1

I like how you related your article mostly to buildings and infrastructure. This is important our field of civil engineering. HVAC, sensors, AI, database and future are all encompassed through your description of the article and make me excited to see where the future is taking us in the civil engineering field. Software and sensors understanding as much as they can about a building is helpful in almost every aspect. I can't think of how knowing something about a building would not be helpful - but this is not just limited to buildings. For technology to be monitoring bridges as they are impacted by storms, wind, snow, etc. gives engineers very accurate and constant data on the state of the structure during these inclement times.

Marino da Costa

I actually did not know that Mark Zuckerberg was involved in the civil engineering industry. This is pretty cool considering I only thought that he would be working in a social media aspect. It is cool that he recognizes problems and solutions in such a different industry. This makes me think that there may be other people in certain fields that might have ideas on things very different from the field that they are in. Technology is now influencing every field you can think of so anyone who is fluent in that area can ideally be of help in other areas of expertise. The cross relationship of fields is how biomedical engineering is it's own field today. Medical doctors focusing on the production of artificial limbs used to be just regular doctors but now they have their own field and separate area of focus and profession. Overlap is important in our world.

Nay Ye Oo

I have thought about the advancement of money before this class actually. I always thought of a more advanced version that a credit card would be for a chip to be inserted into our wrists that was connected to your bank account. This software would be read by a scanner that can penetrate through the skin to scan the chip in your arm. It would be painless and an easy swipe at the register with a flick of a wrist. This would eliminate people trying to rob you because your money is inside of your body. This would not be in the near future AT ALL and it is possible that people would have a problem with allowing a procedure like this. People might feel like they are being tracked but it is a topic of the future and of software.

1 comment:

  1. Sarina: I thought it was interesting how you looked into the actual military capabilities of AI technology. A big fear with this new technology is how the AI bots will approach these circumstances and if they would act individually of command. And it is a real concern moving forward because the thinking of AI is much different then our way of thinking as efficiency is the main goal. Elon Musk gave a quick circumstance in an interview that it was possible AI bots shot down the plane over Ukraine in order to efficiency resolve the Crimea conflict.


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