Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Mark Odorizzi's Intro Post

Experience with Intelligent Buildings
I am a Junior pursuing a BSAE/MSCE with a structures concentration.

My experience with the topics in this course are mainly focused around Revit. I have worked in Revit during both of my co-ops and have seen it utilized to varying degrees of its capacity. I have mainly worked on Revit's structural side and used Revit to collaborate on a single file with my coworkers, as well as coordinate with other trades.

I do not have much experience with databases beyond Excel work. 

Expectations of the Course
In this course, I anticipate reading and exploring various technologies associated with building construction and functionality. After the introduction, I expect that we will read and discuss software and specific technologies that are being adopted for construction purposes, as well as software systems being integrated into building controls to increase energy efficiency.

Blurps from Evernotes
The articles that I read in Evernotes relate to new technology that I have recently acquired: a fitbit and a VR headset.

The first article correlated the personal use of a fitbit to the level of personalization that should be integrated to building monitoring systems. The bottom line was that increased efficiency can be achieved if occupants are made aware of building energy uses in the same way that people are increasingly wanting to be aware of their step count.

The last articles I read pertained to VR that is being developed to operate machinery. This is very interesting to me. The article showed a man using VR in Spain and operating a piece of heavy machinery that was in Switzerland. Having just recently used VR for the first time, I think this is super neat and seems like something that can be developed to be very useful. Whether it is necessary or not, I am not convinced.

Definition of Intelligent Buildings
I would define an intelligent building as one that includes technology for the use of construction, self-monitoring, or operation of the building.

Article Citations (not all articles from Evernote had authors listed):
"Five lessons the Building Industry Can learn From the Wearable Tracker Craze." (2015 July 09).
Kurzweil: Accelerating Intelligence.  "Teleoperating robots with virtual reality: getting inside a robot's head." (2017 Oct. 06). 
Cheng, Roger.  "Dig thise: I operated a giant excavator from 2,500km away." (2015 Mar. 5)

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