Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Zachery Arnold's Introduction

I am a junior Civil and Architectural Engineering student with a minor in Construction Management. I have worked in the civil construction field for a few years now and am interested in learning more about buildings. What peaked my interest in this course was primarily the BIM portion of the course and how that is very quickly becoming a huge portion of the preconstruction, and construction of a building.

I expect to have a better understanding of the new technologies that are impacting the field of construction primarily with robotics and BIM. As a society we are always trying to find better, faster, and hopefully cheaper ways to construct a building. This all starts with the design and works its way through the entire process of designing and constructing the building to finally the operation of the building. New technologies are constantly being developed for all phases of this process.

            The most interesting Evernote post I found discussed the attempts that companies have been trying to automate code-checking. The idea is that you should be able to insert a BIM model to this software and it will ensure that all codes are met. There are many software issues and the constant need to update and create a code database for this system to work.

            Intelligent Buildings can be defined as the use of technology in the design, construction, and operation of a building to produce a higher quality product on schedule.

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