Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Bach Tran

The article introduces the new robot named, Vestri, which has been developed by researchers at UC Berkeley. Scientists observed how babies play with toy and as the same time learn how their bodies move to manipulate objects. These observation of babies motor babbling were used to program Vestri. Researchers let Vestri play around with toys before asking it to perform a specific task, such as moving an object from point A to point B. The robot imagines what it should do to get the best result. It predicts what would happen if it pushed the object a certain way.
Source: http://www.kurzweilai.net/new-technology-allows-robots-to-visualize-their-own-future
The article by New York Times talks about how Sweden embraces AI development without hurting to workforce. The article uses mining industry in Sweden as an example. Robots are replacing human in mines, in which the working environment are extremely dangerous. The workers now can sit back in an office and control robots to do the job. I find it is interesting that the workers have great trust in their employers and the government. In an interview, the Swedish minister for employment and integration stated that “The jobs disappear, and then we train people for new jobs. We won’t protect jobs. But we will protect workers.”
3D printing
I have seen 3D printer produced building elements but today 3D printing has gotten to the next level. It is impressive that people can now 3D print the whole building. The researchers at MIT used system consists of a tracked vehicle that carries a large robotic arm to build the basic structure of the walls of a 50-foot-diameter, 12-foot-high dome within 14 hours. According to the article, the system will soon be able to prepare the surface and obtain materials. I am excited to see in the near future, robot can be used widely to build much more complex structures.  

The article you refer about 12 robots being develop for the food industry is really interesting. Robots are now being used in China to not only serve food but also cook dishes. I think it’s great to have a robot that can prepare a simple meal for us but on the other hand I believe cooking is an art and robots can never replace a chef. 

Marino da Costa,

I think that applying AI technology to a building so hat it can respond to human's voice and control temperature as well as lighting is an extraordinary. However, I feel that this trend of AI technology will make people expose to a great risk of privacy violation.

Xiaoyu Liu,

The article I read about 3D printing introduces a similar system of 3D printing building envelop. I agree with you that this technology still has a lots of room for improvement such as acoustic reflection or visual connection. I believe in a near future, these system will be able to print 3D structures with more than a single material. 


  1. Bach,

    I agree with what you said about how the 3D printing has gotten to the next level. I think it gives great opportunity to the designers to design an impossible building with complicated shape can be printed. It won’t be an issue anymore for the designers to design building without worry about if it can be built or not. The 3D printing can print anything unlike contractor still have issues build a complicated structure.

  2. Bach: I thought it was interesting how Sweden approaches AI much differently by embracing the technology. I think their approach is much more meticulous by applying them to dangerous work conditions first so they can train the people for new jobs. This was very interesting because AI isn't only relevant in China and the US but also worldwide. And how we approach this new technology is everything for how it affect society and advancement.


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