Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Wicker - SQL- What is it and Why is it Important?

SQL (Structured Query Language) is defined as a special purpose programing language that was designed to work with relational databases (1). Although it’s been around for a long time, SQL is still the primary program used for the relation between an application and a relational database. There are many tools associated with SQL that have been designed for specific functions or jobs. These tools enhance the ability of various features of SQL to meet different criteria. For example, PHPMyAdmin allows you to easily add and edit visuals associated with your database. It also allows you to create new databases or delete old ones. Once you have a database created you can begin to build it out using the coding language. You can add request boxes for things like names, ID numbers, and addresses by creating a table for a specific type of entry. Once a table has been created specific data can be added for individual customers or projects. Each line of data can be assigned a specific ID number, this allows you to edit data associated with a specific object.

The types of functions can all be entered by hand by the database administrator but the real power and functionality of this comes with the ability to automate databases. In the RG Edu video, Brian Alderman talks about the benefits of using data bases and is quick to point out that a lot of things that we encounter daily are associated with databases (2). Everything from grocery store inventories to airline company websites. By using a collection of tables that are able to talk to each other with primary keys you can create a functional relational database that is able to do a wide range of things. In terms of design tools, being able to have a database that contains things like objects and book cases is extremely helpful for large projects since all you have to do is grab the data rather than redesign each piece. Data bases like this already exist and are being used in programs like AutoCAD and Revit. As these design programs become more powerful the databases associated with them also need to co-evolve. If you think back to the one BIM video we watched in class, each door had its own product info that would appear when selected, this was a prime example of how these databases can be used to further enhance design tools.

1. Traversy Media. “SQL Crash Course – Beginner to Intermediate.” Youtube, commentary by Brad Traversy, 29 Mar. 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWeW3sCmD2k

2. RG Edu. “Database Fundamentals – Introduction to Core Database Concepts.”
Youtube, commentary by Brian Alderman and Pete Harris, 25 May 2014, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdeaqBCR5PQ



It is clear that databases can be very useful for constructions firms because they can quickly and easily track data for multiple projects at the same time. Being able to track everything from revision dates to product inventories is a great way to have a complete understanding of where a project is at. One problem that could develop is that this amount of data becomes overwhelming. A good database will keep it organized but it seems like an easy way to overload a system and cause possible crash scenarios. This is why these databases must coevolve along with the BIM technologies that they are associated with.


I agree with your leading point about how any successful business also has an effective database that they use. I work part time for a company right now who have a functioning database but there are a lot of reoccurring flaws. These flaws account for multiple hours of wasted time each week. Its easy to see how a properly designed database can streamline workflow no matter what that workflow might be.


You bring up a great point about how each part of the process can be easily documented and tracked using databases. This can be especially helpful for regulatory agencies since they need the most updated and accurate data to enforce regulations and policies. Without accurate tracking and recording these regulations might as well not exist.  Incorporating these new database technologies is a good step towards making government regulators more efficient.

Tran - Object-oriented Database

Object-oriented database (OODB) refers to a database model in which information is presented in the form of objects rather than data such as integers, strings or real numbers. The database is managed by object-oriented database management system (also known as OODBMS).
The interest in this type of database come from the needs of design support systems such as computer-aided software engineering, computer-aided manufacture or computer-aided design. These applications require databases that can handle complex data, and provide high performance dictated by interactive system.
In OODB, every entity is an object. While similar objects can be classified to classes and sub classes. An object has characteristic which are referred to as attributes. To be called an OODBMS, it must be a database management system, and an object-oriented system. Mandatory features of an object-oriented system are complex objects, object identity, encapsulation, classes, inheritance, overriding, extensibility and computational completeness.
The implementation of OODB is similar to relational database in the 70s. A primary feature of an OODBMS is that accessing objects in the database is done in a transparent manner such that interaction with persistent objects is no different from interacting with in-memory objects. This is very different from using a RDBMS in that there is no need to interact via a query sub-language like SQL. OODBMS were originally thought of to replace RDBMS because of their better fit with object-oriented programming languages. However, high switching cost, higher efficiency of RDBMS when dealing with simple data and relationship, the inclusion of object-oriented features in RDBMS to make them ORDBMS, and the emergence of object-relational mappers (ORMs) have made RDBMS successfully defend their dominance in the data center for server-side persistence

Kim, W., Nicolas, J. M., & Nishio, S. (1990). Deductive and object-oriented databases: proceedings of the First International Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases (DOOD89), Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, Japan, 4-6 December, 1989.


Do you think that object-oriented database will soon replace relational database? Since relational database management system has many drawbacks such as the expensive of setting up and maintaining the database system, fast increase in complexity of information. 

I agree with you that one of the greatest benefit of OODB is that objects are stored by classes and sub classes which make it easier for navigation, also give the system a better concurrency control.

During my co-op with the construction unit of PWD, I had a chance to use a database developed by Oracle Project Management to keep track of issues or change orders with clients. Files can be accessed, downloaded and edited from anywhere by people who involved in the project. Use of database in design offices really saved lots of time and money for owner and contractors.  

Blog Post 5 Sarina Tufano

"A relational database is a collection of data items organized as a set of formally-described tables from which data can be accessed or reassembled in many different ways without having to reorganize the database tables. The relational database was invented by E. F. Codd at IBM in 1970." [1] A relational database organizes data for classical and fuzzy databases. The term fuzzy database is used quite often throughout the text and is described to manage incomplete database information. This differs from a regular database that has clear data and information that it is working with. In any case, a relational database can deal with both frameworks to organize the data. It organizes using a series of algebraic equations. The algebra consists of a series of if statements and binary relationships that help the database flow. Functions can come out in a bunch of way consisting on univalent, total, injective and surjective. Depending on the outcome, the database is organized differently. Complex algebra like linear algebra with 4 by 5 matrices are used to assume the order of the organizing elements. The term dekind category is used a lot throughout the text and to some extent means how the code goes about solving the algebraic framework of the code. Arrow categories are introduced as the basis to the relational database The more I read into this article the more it reminds me of coding with MatLab. There are a lot of transpose matrices and abstract notation that is defined in order for the relational database to organize the fuzzy or classical database. Below is a figure of one of the very large and complex matrices that are used throughout this database organization method of relational database. It is very complicated how the code works and that is one of the reasons that I am being quite vague with explaining how it functions. [2]


[1] Rouse, Margaret. “Relational Database.” TechTarget, SearchSQLServer, Apr. 2006, searchsqlserver.techtarget.com/definition/relational-database.

[2] Winter, Michael. “Dependencies in Relational Models of Databases.” ScienceDirect, Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, Aug. 2016, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352220815001522.

After reading your blog post on structured query language, I realize that our topics are related to each other. I did not read anything about SQL in my articles so I am thinking how much of an integral part of relational database theory. Good summary of the YouTube video you watched. It is easier for the reader to understand when a video or a picture is involved.

I had no clue what object-oriented database meant and so reading your blog post was very informative. There was a lot of abbreviations and database jargon used but my takeaway is that it is an evolved version of the traditional RDBs. During my readings, I came across some articles that emphasized on the future of RDBs that would store more complex data. And after reading your post, I can see how OODB is the 'evolved' version of RDB.

Dee Dee
Great post. I would assume too that database in design offices revolve around information about clients, projects, product specifications. And this is without a doubt helpful for owners, project managers and design firms to all view and coordinate at the same time.

Week 6: Blog Post 5 - Relational Database Theory

Relational Database Theory


A relational database (RDB) is defined as a collection of multiple data sets stored and organized as items in a set of formally described tables (rows & columns). This data can be accessed or reassembled in any customizable way at a later point in time. This neat piece of creation was invented by Edgar F. Codd at IBM 1970 [1]. RDB runs on Structured Query Language (SQL), an application that provides a user-friendly programming interface for database interaction. [2] 

Types of RDBs
In an RDB, data is stored in a tabular format with rows and columns. A row represents a data instance and a column represents a column. One or more data that is stored relates to one or more data records to form functional dependencies. There are four types of dependencies:

  • One to One: One table record relates to another record in another table.
  • One to Many: One table record relates to many records in another table.
  • Many to One: More than one table record relates to another table record.

  • Many to Many: More than one table record relates to more than one record in another table. [2]

The main capabilities of an RDB is its ability to communicate and relate one data instance stored in any row, any column, any table and any data set to another data instance in a likewise manner. The basic database operations are select, project and join. "Select" retrieves data, "project" identifies data characteristics and "join" combines relations of data instances.[2]

Other advantages include scalability and data security. It is basically a useful tool similar to Microsoft Excel, except instead of having computational power, it only stores data but can be store an enormous amount of data/information. Data security capabilities provide certain users access to all datasets while giving the option of preventing some users to access only certain databases. 

[1] http://searchsqlserver.techtarget.com/definition/relational-database

[2] https://www.techopedia.com/definition/1234/relational-database-rdb



I read your article as a way to compare the content we found since we have the same topic. Essentially, we cover the same content such as keywords in the definition of a database, the importance of relations. Great job on including the figures as it highlights and exemplifies the difference between tables with relations and one without.


My blog post covered the topic of Relational Database Theory which is basically the body of data storing. But while reading I saw that SQL is the main "language" used when talking to these databases we created. And your article reinforced my initially understanding of what SQL does. The highlight of your article to me is that SQL is still used as the main language used to talk to databases which I would assume technology nowadays would have probably have replaced it. But I like your idea (more so a statement) that SQL is and should co-evolve with databases and its various types. Not just simple inventory tables but complex large scale data such as AutoCAD and Revit related data per family created.


I agree that time is money and money is time in the world of construction. this DSM sounds like a pretty neat piece of technology that could potentially revolutionize future construction work. Hours vs Months is quite a feat to achieve but what I would be worried is the socio and economical problems that will arise when "machines start stealing human's jobs".

Gibson B5 - Databases in Construction Firms

My article discussed how Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed a new system that can replace humans and actually outscored 615 of 906 human teams at the last three science competitions. The first prototype seemed to work very well after performing better than more than half of human teams. This device is called "Data Science Machine" (DSM).  The DSM was able to produce answers to these science problems with 87%-96% accuracy, however, it took human teams of scientist all around the world months compared to the 2-12 hours the machine took. The massive amount of data that this device can run through can be crucial to the time-consuming design of a structure. By using different tables and charts of data in the DSM, it can help project cost and time. These are two key factors that are lacking in the construction world.

With this type of precision and accuracy, simple design calculations will not need to be redone or take up any time excess time allowing engineers to quickly check its work and move on to other ongoing projects. In the construction world time is money and this device can be greatly taken advantage of in major construction firms to increase overall efficiency
Response 1: Jacob Wahbeh
Jacob, after reading your post I better understand how databases and BIM work together. These incorporated BIM databases would have made my second co-op so much easier and available to access at any time.

Response 2: Dee Dee Strohl
Dee Dee, I really enjoyed your post and your definition of what an actual database is. I struggle with the types of databases and complexity of them. I appreciate how you broke a database down from different points of views.

Response 3:Shuyuan Zhang
Shuyuan, I like your definition of what a database is to you in your own words. Again this and the previously read post have given me a strong idea of what a database is and how exactly it can work. Your co-op experience is pretty interesting as I was on the other side of the design team (structural), so reading your techniques used in HVAC design helped me realize the big picture of how it all goes together.


B5: Database in Construction Firms

One of the obvious influences databases have had on construction firms is in the world of BIM. In an article I saw databases have influenced BIM in three areas: cloud data management, augmented reality, and IoT. The basic concept of these areas being the sharing of smart data across BIM software that can ease the design/build process. Although BIM is a design software the basics of the software are database elements because it shares elements, families, and materials across a platform that can be used by several parties. A recent database inclusion to the construction industry is augmented reality, although this an advanced form of databases technology like virtual reality has allowed for more visual analysis by sharing these systems across clients and firms.

Other than this newfound cloud database management and augmented reality technology there have also been basic additions to database and AEC for construction firms. In this other article I read they have incorporated into BIM a document management database that tracks every drawing revision, RFI, change order, and deliverable change in order to keep quality assurance for clients. Although this is a simple add to this sophisticated technology it can go a long way in budgeting and quality assurance.

In conclusion a major factor for how database affects construction firms is in BIM modeling. With new advances regularly there are always ways people are finding to link the architect-engineer-and constructor. Although databases have also found ways in the construction industry to share project knowledge and experience through web based platforms.



Johnson, I liked how you went into how Dynamo as a program can affect design directly. Derived from SQL, this is the first time I've heard of dynamo and it was interesting to see how design can be easily shared through this program. And how it can be manipulated to place design objects in certain places

Amisial, I liked how you went a simpler approach looking at Dropbox and Google drive. Although these programs have become obligatory in our coursework its amazing how much it has affected the industry.

Maita, I liked how you actually defined SQL and its meaning. Although I've begun to understand through information class this was a good actual definition and its concept.

Dee Dee Strohl - Blog 5

Uses of databases in design offices

What is a database?
A database is a computerized system that stores information that can be easily searched and selected. It is a collection of records that contain one or more fields (pieces of data) about some entity (object). This can be used in many applications; like libraries keeping track of available and checked out books, or a company who’s stored all employee information. There are a few types of databases that can be used: flat, hierarchical, network, and relational. Though Excel can and is used for a plenty of projects in design offices (and beyond), using a database is more capable with respect to large, complex projects that contain a lot of data or pieces. Databases are also attractive because several people can access and edit information at the same time.
From a design office perspective:
From an architectural or engineering firm perspective, using a database could be helpful in several applications. A database could be created to keep all client information and the projects associated with them. From working in an engineering firm, I’ve seen that different clients have specific requirements for building design and construction. Having a database to contain all the client information and specifications would be helpful. Especially because you can search for distinct words/requirements in the database easily. The database, and thus the information, can be accessed remotely and files are easily backed up to prevent losing work and edits.
From an owner perspective:
With databases, it’s easier for owners to share information with design firms and track progress. It makes finding documentation on both ends easier. Besides having access to a database for the design process, owners could create a database to use once the building is construction and in use. Information about the performance of the building systems, building automation, or life cycle could be track by looking at past and present data.
From a general perspective:
Because databases are becoming more and more used, the sharing of information has gotten easier. Different firms and people can share their projects or technologies with the world through them, making processes easier and more efficient. Even throughout college, databases have made it easier to research for classes and papers. This is particularly seen from the Drexel Libraries system, which allows you to search thousands of articles and journals with just a few keywords. It can also be helpful from a marketing perspective because everything is easily accessible.

 “Architectural File Management Systems and Database,” Human Service Solutions. Accessed 2/11/18. https://www.hswsolutions.com/work/case-studies/architecture-file-management-database/
“Database Definition,” The Linux Information Project. Accessed 2/11/18. http://www.linfo.org/database.html
“How to Better Manage Your Project Data,” Archsmarter. Accessed 2/11/18. http://archsmarter.com/manage-project-data/

Isaac Quelly:
It’s awesome that you got to look at the GSI project and database in its early stages. I see why it’s important for every step of the design and build process to be tracked and added to the database and how it could be troublesome if changes are made without the correct procedure. Do you think the PWD has done anything to keep this issue from occurring in projects? Do you think the implementation of this technology will continue? I know when I worked at the city people were hesitant to take on new procedures.
Luciana Tangari:
Like you, I know nothing about object oriented databases (I honestly barely understand the types of databases as a whole). The analogy you added to your post was very helpful in gaining a better understanding of OODMS and relational databases. It’s interesting that OODMS can handle such complex data but makes it easier to access. I’m still not completely sure I understand OODMS, but your post helped me at least gain a bit of knowledge on the topic.
Dung Tran:
Thanks for giving me an understanding of what a relational database is. I ready in Luciana’s post about OODMS so it was nice to read about the other side of the coin. It’s interesting that in this type of database tables can be defined with constraints or algorithms but also don’t have to be. The images you included also made your (and Darwen’s) explanation easier to understand.

Johnson - B5: Databases in Design

            Databases are now being used for design work in all aspects of architectural design.  This integration is making designers’ work easier by saving and classifying different tools and built objects in BIM.  Using relational databases can help create new tools that help change minor details in the project.  They can be attached to different properties of building elements to quickly edit heights, sizes, or other properties with a click of a button or moving a slide bar.  Dynamo, a program that links with Revit, allows for this.  There are several editing tools that relate to another piece of the project.  The video of the Dynamo example shows how they can create a structure completely in Dynamo by creating a repeated design and then defining the space that it will cover.  They can even change the materials and how the roof curves throughout the structure.

            The Dynamo program is driven by SQL.  This is a database program that allows Dynamo to feed the tables in Revit.  SQL can be coded to set objects into categories such as furniture and can be pulled from Revit into an easy to understand table.  This will allow you to pull all the information for a particular type of object.  As the SQL code expands, you can get more specific in what you would like to look at.  If a client would like to see all the types of chairs he or she was getting in a design, the designer could easily go into SQL and pull that data for an easy to understand chart for the client.  This is much easier than setting up a furniture schedule and then having to just highlight all the chairs in the project.

            The same procedure can be done with the rooms of a project.  Once all the data is collected, then they can be sorted using SQL to show what furniture is in which room.  This is just one example of the power of relational databases in design.  This can be done for any part of piece of a design project.  This will ultimately make communication between the owner and the designer easier.  They can create quick lists during the design process to give updates and keep records of the design at certain times. 




1) DiGiovanni:

It sounds like you found a great article that you could combine with your personal knowledge of the industry. I agree that it would be incredibly beneficial for design firms to have databases filled with information from sensors on previous projects. Since design firms typically specialize in a certain type of building or facility, most of their jobs tend to be very similar. They also probably work for some of the same owners repeatedly. They could know what the design did for those previous projects and make small changes to reach the goals that the owner sets out for them in contract. Although the contracts you mention are very harsh to the designers, it would still be incredibly useful for them to understand exactly how their design actually runs. One of the big issues of this type of contract is how the contractor builds the facility. If the design is not built properly, this may have an impact on the expectations of the design. This alter the actual data collected and may leave the design firm misinformed.

2) Wahbeh:

I think you found several benefits to database technology for the construction industry. Being able to access the drawings virtually from site is a major bonus for contractors. Although this does not replace the typical paper drawings, contractors can receive updates faster and keep the project on schedule. Also, one of the most important aspects of being a constructor is keeping records. With all revisions, change orders, and RFIs kept in database collection, they will not be lost in translation. These are crucial for finding when and where these parts were sent. This allows a better defense for contractors or designers when trying to find faults on the project.

3) Zhang:

You made a very good point about the subcontractors only getting the information they need for the project. With all of the design typically coming in one package, it can be difficult to sort through all the disciplines to find what specific contractors may need. With databases, it is easy to sort the data out into different categories. This allows all plumbing aspects to go to the plumber, all electrical aspects to the electrician, etc. This saves time and effort typically for the contractor. The general contractor still needs to make sure everything is coordinated correctly, this may not be as necessary for the subs. If the information can move more easily, the project typically moves smoother and faster.

B5- Database


I think data is the real asset of an organization. We will most likely interact heavily with databases during our professional career. Core database concepts and practices are extremely durable, and are likely to serve us for years to come. So, a collection of related data organized for easy storage and retrieval in electronic form will dramatically increase the efficiency of processing and understanding them. Almost any construction firm or other company in this field of appreciable complexity has information management requirements that are hard to satisfy without using a database. Since construction process always involve multiple companies working together from different aspects, the arrangement of database allows a number of different kinds of applications to work with the same set of data. Database can also ensure that the data must always meet certain conditions, such as ‘the span can’t be entered twice,’ regardless of the measurement manipulating it. We can also get the benefits of its security and concurrency. We can control who is authorized to manipulate what and govern what types of activities can take place at the same time. A database can also prevent data loss since it has the character of backup and disaster recovery. The most important thing is it can present different users with customized views of the same data. For example, each of your subcontractors will only have access to the data you want them to read. This can avoid wrangling and protect your trade secret in some degree.

I want to share an experience as the support of my above opinions. I was working for a small energy company for my first co-op cycle. Their duty is to re-design old structure's HVAC (heating, cooling and ventilating) system. I was involved in both field work and engineering design process. Their data managing techniques are relatively primary. They are collecting data from site investigation manually and I have to spend two hours per day for inputting them into computer. They do not process raw data before modeling or designing even though it is easy to be done on excel. I always need to convert units of the data for different design purpose. There are thousands of folders on their server and it always consumes a lot of time to find the proper one. These make their working efficiency lower than it should be. If they have a database that can perform all of the advantages as discussed in the first paragraph, their business will grow a lot faster and their work quality will increase a lot.

Uses of databases in design offices
We were doing the same topic. I am more focusing on database’s advantages while you made good efforts on illustrating the functions of database. You made a comparison between excel and database. This is really helpful to me since these two are having similar format and I sometimes confused about them.

SQL – What is it and why is it important?
This is an informative and interesting post. I have only heard of database but I never know that there is a thing playing key roles interacting with elements in a database. I am taking a construction management course and I am taught to use Procore. It is an online software that the architect, engineer, GCs, owners can share and modify data. I think this platform is a good example of SQL. You can take a look of it if you are interested.

Object Oriented Database
I like the graphs you used to help us to have a better understanding of object oriented databases. I have also read the original articles you listed in references. They are informative and helpful.

Amisial B-6 Uses of Database in Design Offices

Amisial B-6 Uses of Database in Design Offices
Per my belief, I think database is an indispensable tool for any successful companies and offices. Since they could be used for a variety of task in businesses and offices, they became a daily tool that most employees use for accomplishing projects. According to Herzing College:
“Databases are used to structurally organize and capture large quantities of data by inputting, storing, retrieving and managing information. While we commonly think of databases to be online stores of information, a phone book or census also qualify as examples. In computer lingo, a database application is the program responsible for retrieving and storing this data. Offices these days generally function on a database management system, which provides an interface between the user and the database, and also catalogues data. Some of the more popular database management systems include Oracle, MySQL and Microsoft Access. Since there are a variety of DBMS’s available to choose from, each office may function using different software. For this reason, DBMS software will often come with an Open Database Connectivity driver, which allows different database systems to interact and share information.

For instance, Dropbox is a popular system of cloud storage like Google Drive, where users can maintain, share and access massive quantities of files on the internet. It itself acts as a huge database, where one can “drop” or sync images, documents, downloads into a private or shared account, for the intent of then being immediately accessible from any computer with an online connection. Rather than emailing the same files to ten different people, a database will receive the data and allow the other ten co-workers to view and download at their will. “

Reference: http://www.herzing.ca/blog/winnipeg/the-importance-of-database-applications-in-the-office/

It was interesting that you have related functionality of database during construction with your past personal work experience. I can see why it would be a struggle to have a database that allows multiple incoming updates from several parties. I found myself genuinely interested in finding database with such capacity, but I can tell you during my time working for the city, I was able to access a database with which my team was able to update multiple projects concurrently.

Your writing about Structured Query Language (SQL) was enjoyable, and I agree with you by stating that SQL must evolved alongside with some design programs. In fact, as you understand the relationship between SQL and design program or database, it becomes more efficient for the user, and their both intended purposes are more reachable.

I like the way your information was presented about relational database theory (RDB). As someone who is a novice in RDBs; I could say that they are a primary tool for user-friendly type of database, and they are mostly used for database in which it is important to present the users information in the form of tables.

Quelly Wk 6-1: B5, Databases in Construction

B5: Functionality of Databases during Construction

With my little experience in construction management (working as a construction inspector for PWD), one of the main challenges I faced on the job site was the communication of information from the clients (the PWD design engineers) to the contractor, and back (to me in the field). As database technology continues to develop, there is therefore an increasing applicability in the construction process.

B5 - What is SQL? - Maita

Structured query language, or SQL, is considered to be today’s standard means of manipulating and querying data in relational databases. SQL is a domain specific language that is utilized in programming. In addition to managing the data that is stored in the relational database, SQL can stream the processes in a management stream. There have been many systems that do what SQL does, called APIs. SQL has generally surpassed its competition by introducing the concept of accessing a multitude of records by using a single command. SQL also eliminates the use for an index by letting the user bypass entering a command to access a record.



B5 - Object Oriented Database - Marino

Object-Oriented Database

Object-oriented database is a database management system that represents its information in the form of objects. Object oriented database, which is also known as object oriented database management system (OODBMS), similar to object oriented programming languages. It can allow the user to combine the features of relational model such as transaction, concurrency, recovery into object oriented database model. There are three different features of object oriented database such as polymorphism, inheritance, and encapsulation. Polymorphism is known as object oriented programing language. It has ability to process objects according to their data type or class. Inheritance is one of the features of OODBMS that can create a new object from an existing object including all the characteristics of the existing object. Encapsulation is called one of the principal concepts in object oriented programming (OOP). It binds and manipulate the data and functions together as one unit.

The benefits of object-oriented database are composite objects and relationships, class hierarchy, no query language, no impedance mismatch, no primary keys, and one data model. One of the greatest benefits of using an OODBMS is that the user can store many different types of objects in a large class where it can also hold many medium classes as well as many smaller classes or objects. Object oriented database delivers information in a form of class hierarchy, which presents the information that easy to understand without spending too much time to get to know the details. Another benefit of object oriented database is easy to use and it does not have primary key. The user also can store or manipulate the information without spending too much time to mapping tables to objects and back unlike the rational database management system.

The downsides of the object oriented database are schema changes, language dependence. In OODBMS it is difficult to modify, update, or create the schema after completing the database management system. Usually the user has to recompile the system when the user decides to make schema changes. Another disadvantage of OODBMS is selecting the language has to only come from specific language using a specific API which also known as application language independent. This can be very confusing for some users when they are not familiar with API language.


"AN EXPLORATION OF." Why Arent You Using An Object Oriented Database Management System? Accessed February 13, 2018. http://www.25hoursaday.com/whyarentyouusinganoodbms.html.

Object Based Databases Tutorial. Accessed February 13, 2018. http://www.tutorialride.com/object-based-databases/object-based-databases-tutorial.htm.

Beal, Vangie. "Polymorphism." What is Polymorphism? Webopedia Definition. Accessed February 13, 2018. https://www.webopedia.com/TERM/P/polymorphism.html.

"OOP Concept for Beginners: What is Encapsulation." Stackify. December 01, 2017. Accessed February 13, 2018. https://stackify.com/oop-concept-for-beginners-what-is-encapsulation/.


You did such a great job explaining Rational Database Theory! I like how first you explained the general theory about database and then you went into details explaining the concepts of Rational Database. When I was reading about object oriented database in few articles I also found some interesting information about Rational Database. One of the interesting concept of rational database that I found was the user can modify, update, or change any information that already put in the table. In object oriented database it is difficult for the user to make a change on the database once its management system is completed.


You explained the importance of the SQL very well. I took INFO 210 and this course was about SQL. The database program such as Oracle SQL was interesting to learn but it required a lot of attention in class and practice the program at home in order to master the program. I agree with you that SQL allow us to understand and access the database elements a lot easier compare to some other database program such as Codasyl database.  


I felt like I had to make a comment on your post after I read the word “Primavera P6” in the first sentence of your second paragraph. I had experienced using Primavera P6 when I took one of the construction management courses. The course was really fun and it was interesting to use Primavera to make a work schedule of a construction project the fact that it’s not only easy to use to conduct a work schedule but it also shows the Critical path of the project. I personally would like to recommend you to learn about the program if you are interested in learning about scheduling database.