Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Lauren Kujawa B4 - Incorporating Green Building Technology into IB Technology

For the term project, I will be working with Tyler Wicker.  Tyler and I will be writing about intelligent building technology and how IB technology can be used to make a building more “Green.”  First, we will define both intelligent and green buildings and describe design factors, considerations, and technology that can be implemented into either.  We will also talk about how green and intelligent buildings have advanced, but also touch base on the limitations of each.  Finally, Tyler and I will talk about how the technologies work together to form a “Green” and Intelligent Building.

I choose this topic because I have always had an interest in green buildings and sustainable designs, and I do not have any interest making a Revit model or doing a database project.  For my senior seminar papers and presentation, I wrote and spoke about sustainable buildings and the processes that go into the creation of a sustainable building.  From seminar, I learned that it is not only the building’s energy usage that determines if a building is green or not. The material’s manufacturing processes, transportation to site, and construction methods and practices must also be green in practice.  I am familiar with the green aspects, but I would like to research the intelligent aspects that can be applied in order to promote sustainability.
My initial thoughts on this topic are that the green aspects will be easy to research and write about, however I am not as familiar with intelligent buildings, so I believe this aspect of the project will be more difficult.  I know information and sources are readily available on green buildings, however I am unsure of what will be available on intelligent buildings.  I am also unsure of how easy it will be to link green and intelligent building technologies.  I personally do not have any experience linking the two, and I am not sure if there are famous projects that have linked intelligent to green buildings.

Response 1: Cody Johnson
I find your topic to be very interesting.  I think 3D laser scanning could be very helpful in the construction industry, especially if improvements are made to better the models.  3D models can easily help all involved parties visualize what is actually happening at a site.  As these technologies improve, modeling will only become more complex.  More time will have to be put into making a good model, but time can be saved if laser scanning is incorporated.  My company recently incorporated drones into their site surveying, so I am interested to see all that drones can do for the civil and architectural fields.

Response 2: Allison Abad
This topic is so different from all of the others!  The project is really could benefit future exploration on Mars, as a construction rocket could save many human lives.  The environment on Mars is much more harsh than the environment of Earth, and it is understandable that skyscraper construction is light years away from happening on Mars.  Your project really is directly related to this class, and I am very interested to see your final presentation.

Response 3 - Kerry Milligan

I remember you and Chris talking about this project a while ago, and I think the project is very interesting.  I also like that your inspiration comes from a Disney movie!  I really like the idea of an intelligent home becoming accessible and affordable to all homeowners.  I also like that you mentioned that intelligent buildings do not have to be built from the ground up.  I really liked this point because often people think “intelligent” means new an expensive, but in reality, the intelligent aspects can be added over time in a more affordable fashion. 

1 comment:

  1. Lauren,
    I like the topic you and Tyler chose and I think your experience in sustainable design from Senior Design will definitely help you in the this project and hopefully the knowledge gained in this project will be used in the Senior Design project. I think that Green Design and Intelligent Buildings go hand and hand together, as one concept can be applied to both disciplines, and that there is a good amount of overlap in the design methods.


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