Tuesday, February 13, 2018

B5 - Object Oriented Database - Marino

Object-Oriented Database

Object-oriented database is a database management system that represents its information in the form of objects. Object oriented database, which is also known as object oriented database management system (OODBMS), similar to object oriented programming languages. It can allow the user to combine the features of relational model such as transaction, concurrency, recovery into object oriented database model. There are three different features of object oriented database such as polymorphism, inheritance, and encapsulation. Polymorphism is known as object oriented programing language. It has ability to process objects according to their data type or class. Inheritance is one of the features of OODBMS that can create a new object from an existing object including all the characteristics of the existing object. Encapsulation is called one of the principal concepts in object oriented programming (OOP). It binds and manipulate the data and functions together as one unit.

The benefits of object-oriented database are composite objects and relationships, class hierarchy, no query language, no impedance mismatch, no primary keys, and one data model. One of the greatest benefits of using an OODBMS is that the user can store many different types of objects in a large class where it can also hold many medium classes as well as many smaller classes or objects. Object oriented database delivers information in a form of class hierarchy, which presents the information that easy to understand without spending too much time to get to know the details. Another benefit of object oriented database is easy to use and it does not have primary key. The user also can store or manipulate the information without spending too much time to mapping tables to objects and back unlike the rational database management system.

The downsides of the object oriented database are schema changes, language dependence. In OODBMS it is difficult to modify, update, or create the schema after completing the database management system. Usually the user has to recompile the system when the user decides to make schema changes. Another disadvantage of OODBMS is selecting the language has to only come from specific language using a specific API which also known as application language independent. This can be very confusing for some users when they are not familiar with API language.


"AN EXPLORATION OF." Why Arent You Using An Object Oriented Database Management System? Accessed February 13, 2018. http://www.25hoursaday.com/whyarentyouusinganoodbms.html.

Object Based Databases Tutorial. Accessed February 13, 2018. http://www.tutorialride.com/object-based-databases/object-based-databases-tutorial.htm.

Beal, Vangie. "Polymorphism." What is Polymorphism? Webopedia Definition. Accessed February 13, 2018. https://www.webopedia.com/TERM/P/polymorphism.html.

"OOP Concept for Beginners: What is Encapsulation." Stackify. December 01, 2017. Accessed February 13, 2018. https://stackify.com/oop-concept-for-beginners-what-is-encapsulation/.


You did such a great job explaining Rational Database Theory! I like how first you explained the general theory about database and then you went into details explaining the concepts of Rational Database. When I was reading about object oriented database in few articles I also found some interesting information about Rational Database. One of the interesting concept of rational database that I found was the user can modify, update, or change any information that already put in the table. In object oriented database it is difficult for the user to make a change on the database once its management system is completed.


You explained the importance of the SQL very well. I took INFO 210 and this course was about SQL. The database program such as Oracle SQL was interesting to learn but it required a lot of attention in class and practice the program at home in order to master the program. I agree with you that SQL allow us to understand and access the database elements a lot easier compare to some other database program such as Codasyl database.  


I felt like I had to make a comment on your post after I read the word “Primavera P6” in the first sentence of your second paragraph. I had experienced using Primavera P6 when I took one of the construction management courses. The course was really fun and it was interesting to use Primavera to make a work schedule of a construction project the fact that it’s not only easy to use to conduct a work schedule but it also shows the Critical path of the project. I personally would like to recommend you to learn about the program if you are interested in learning about scheduling database.

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