Tuesday, February 6, 2018

B4- Intelligent vs Green -Tangari

My term project will explore the two building types, “green” and “intelligent”. These two types are constantly being used interchangeably in the architecture and engineering design world. But these two categories can yield very different building types. My hope with this research paper is to create a clear distinction between the two and learn how they both aid to the operation and functions of a building. Without much prior knowledge my understanding is that an intelligent building focuses more on creating an environment that is comfortable and equipped with technologies that simplify redundant tasks as well as improving operation of facilities by providing feedback on systems. A green building’s main focus is to be able to be able to minimize or eliminate any harmful effects onto the environment while paying attention to human wellness as well.

Within the paper the main focuses and goals of each will be outlined and determined. With this it will become clear how the two are commonly mislabeled and how or if one type can be another. I also plan to see which hold better benefits or if one is a better option than the other. The knowledge obtained from determining the differences between the two would be beneficial for future endeavors; to have a clear understanding could help in modeling buildings to the right standards, as there is much confusion over the distinction currently.

Through conducting my research I hope to focus on a specific topic as this is very broad. Right now through my current research I have just been developing a broad base of understanding the two. I  plan as I delve further into this topic more to be able to narrow in on a particular concept addressed by both in order to be able to see clear advantages and disadvantages of each. Being this is such a broad topic I can see this being the difficult part of the assignment, but I feel overall will be a pleasant experience because of my interest in how buildings are operated and managed.


Carlos Hillinger
Carlos, I like how you are taking your topic and focusing it on other countries. technologies here are so advanced and able to accomplish so much that it is not a common thought or even a clear understanding of how other countries are developing their infrastructures. I like how you are going to research the background on the area as to understand the dynamics and limitation that may be imposed on building structures, economically and politically and even availability of resources. 

Malik Anibaba
Malik, I see we have chosen almost the same topic to research. I like how you plan to determine if there is a scale for how intelligent a building can be as there is one for the level of "green" a building is.You had mentioned narrowing your focus and I think possibly looking at the energy uses of each may be a start to making the topic a bit more direct, which is where I plan on starting being it is such a broad topic. 

Cody Johnson 
Cody, I really like how your topic is aimed at finding a way to improve the construction industry. It is very true what you said about 3D models, which are generally seen by the client and the designer and never passed on further. 3D scanning would be very helpful for even site walk-throughs and even in places such as pharmaceutical labs. Many times once a lab is sealed workers/designers are unable to get back in and have to rely on the fact that construction was done according to the plans exactly as well as rely on pictures which are not always accurate. 3D scanning would be great in this case to be able to have accurate plan of what is in the space, which was a daily problem I saw at my first coop. 


  1. Luciana,
    Your project seems very interesting. I am also doing the comparison between green and intelligent building on my project. I will focus on how intelligent technologies can develop the green building. I agree with you that the distinguish of the concept is very important because these two buildings look similar. If concept is not clear, it will hard to find appropriate evident to support the thesis.

  2. Luci,

    "an intelligent building focuses more on creating an environment that is comfortable and equipped with technologies that simplify redundant tasks as well as improving operation of facilities by providing feedback on systems"

    I read your article in the hopes to learn what and how you define intelligent buidlings out of curiosity. It seems that the main takeaway from your definition is the ability of a building to provide optimal levels of comfort. I would deduce that as an AE background, comfort is what matters most but this is just an assumption on my part. As for the rest of the post, I think you did a great job defining and contrasting your initial idea of green and intelligent buildings.

  3. Luciana,

    I found your topic of particular interest because of how much it relates to my own, or rather how much it deviates from what I am delving into. I intend to find a distinct connection between the two topics and I believe understanding the concepts you're speaking of prior to will be crucial to do so.


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