Tuesday, February 13, 2018

B5: Database in Construction Firms

One of the obvious influences databases have had on construction firms is in the world of BIM. In an article I saw databases have influenced BIM in three areas: cloud data management, augmented reality, and IoT. The basic concept of these areas being the sharing of smart data across BIM software that can ease the design/build process. Although BIM is a design software the basics of the software are database elements because it shares elements, families, and materials across a platform that can be used by several parties. A recent database inclusion to the construction industry is augmented reality, although this an advanced form of databases technology like virtual reality has allowed for more visual analysis by sharing these systems across clients and firms.

Other than this newfound cloud database management and augmented reality technology there have also been basic additions to database and AEC for construction firms. In this other article I read they have incorporated into BIM a document management database that tracks every drawing revision, RFI, change order, and deliverable change in order to keep quality assurance for clients. Although this is a simple add to this sophisticated technology it can go a long way in budgeting and quality assurance.

In conclusion a major factor for how database affects construction firms is in BIM modeling. With new advances regularly there are always ways people are finding to link the architect-engineer-and constructor. Although databases have also found ways in the construction industry to share project knowledge and experience through web based platforms.



Johnson, I liked how you went into how Dynamo as a program can affect design directly. Derived from SQL, this is the first time I've heard of dynamo and it was interesting to see how design can be easily shared through this program. And how it can be manipulated to place design objects in certain places

Amisial, I liked how you went a simpler approach looking at Dropbox and Google drive. Although these programs have become obligatory in our coursework its amazing how much it has affected the industry.

Maita, I liked how you actually defined SQL and its meaning. Although I've begun to understand through information class this was a good actual definition and its concept.


  1. Jacob,
    I think you found several benefits to database technology for the construction industry. Being able to access the drawings virtually from site is a major bonus for contractors. Although this does not replace the typical paper drawings, contractors can receive updates faster and keep the project on schedule. Also, one of the most important aspects of being a constructor is keeping records. With all revisions, change orders, and RFIs kept in database collection, they will not be lost in translation. These are crucial for finding when and where these parts were sent. This allows a better defense for contractors or designers when trying to find faults on the project.

  2. Jacob,

    It is clear that databases can be very useful for constructions firms because they can quickly and easily track data for multiple projects at the same time. Being able to track everything from revision dates to product inventories is a great way to have a complete understanding of where a project is at. One problem that could develop is that this amount of data becomes overwhelming. A good database will keep it organized but it seems like an easy way to overload a system and cause possible crash scenarios. This is why these databases must coevolve along with the BIM technologies that they are associated with.


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