Monday, February 12, 2018

Uses of Databases in Construction


Based on Wikipedia a database is an organized collection of data. This is a pretty broad coverage of what a database consists of and the applications it may or may not have in the construction industry. Since I have worked in the construction industry for a few years now I have been exposed to a variety of databases that they use in the estimating and project management departments in the company. First of all, any company or even person needs a place to store and download documents from. The company I worked for was going through a  bit of a change in how they both stored and shared documents and plans with their subcontractors. They transitioned to storing all of their documents in Microsoft’s OneDrive. Now with OneDrive there is the ability to share documents directly from it, but they did not do that for security reasons, which means they needed another database to store the plans and specifications for their subcontractors to view and download for themselves. This is where and iSqFt becomes useful for contractors and subcontractors. operates very similarly to any online drive where you create a folder for the job and upload anything you want into it. Then, you can share the link with whomever you wish to, and you can change the plans or add to it at any time and the subcontractor will just need to go back into the link to get it. I mentioned earlier iSqFt which has the same capabilities as but this software store plans, subcontractors, due dates, etc. making the estimating process easier for everyone.

“Oracle/Primavera P6™ software is a high-powered Critical Path Method (CPM) based scheduling software. It stores all of the scheduling data in relational tables managed by a separate program called a database manager.”
So the next software/database a construction company utilizes for every project they are either estimating or building is a scheduling program. P6 is one of the better and more used software’s in the industry. As stated above it uses a relational database which is essentially a collection of tables, queries, reports, etc. Below I have attached a snapshot of a schedule in which this program produces. I am not sure how many of you are familiar with how to build a schedule but every “activity”, like drywall and insulation are all related to each other in some fashion. For example, someone cannot start hanging drywall in a building until all the MEP and insulation is in the building. This relationship can be set and stored in P6, which the database will then make this relationship and it will not override it unless told to by the user.


The final software program I would like to talk about is CMiC. This program was used throughout the company I worked for. This program stores all the information for a specific project. This means the job costs, submittals, schedule, plans, subcontractor and vendor contracts, specifications, owner’s contract, etc. The superintendent and foreman working in the field are able to access CMiC and track to see if they are meeting production rates, which gives them the ability to gauge themselves in real-time. The project manager can view anything and everything a project has and ensure that the job is making the company money (the MOST important part of any project). This is a very powerful software and there is a learning curve with it, like any program, but it streamlines the construction documentation process and puts everything in one place if they were to get sued for not completing or fulfilling a portion of the contract.


Lauren Kujawa
You make a very good point that in the construction industry that knowledge is power. The better you know your project and the scope of work you have to complete the better off you will be. Therefore, these companies need a lot of storage and the ability to look at anything they need in real-time which is why many companies have shifted to online storage databases as you said. I believe that with any company the largest and most important database is the storage one like OneDrive. As I had said in my post, almost every program a construction company has is associated with a database. Another important database they need is of their historical data in which tracks all the projects they have done and the amount of time it too them to place the rebar for a 300,000 square foot concrete slab.  

Kerry Milligan
Your post was very helpful and allowed me the opportunity to be able to understand what a relational database is, especially since I did not have to take INFO 210. I think what helped me the most was the examples you provided after describing the 3 types of relations table can have. One question I still have though would be when is a many to many relationship needed or useful? You had mentioned the complexity of creating and that putting another table together to reduce this complexity.

Brad DiGiovanni
I personally had never really heard of COBie or the various performance contracts owners are requiring design firms to sign. You also brought up at the end of your post probably the more important type of database in which I believe every company needs is a storage one. This can consist of many things, but historical data of other projects in the design and construction industry is huge. Companies need to be able to learn from their past mistakes and correct them in the future so that they can stay in business. I personally believe that historical data is a company’s “best friend.”


  1. Zac - Your take of storage and sharing systems as databases was an interesting one. These types of systems are not something I would have considered a database, but I suppose as compared to the definition you provide from Wikipedia that they can be considered a type of database. These systems are absolutely a necessity in the construction industry, specifically in estimating and project management as you mentioned. I think your example of a scheduling database is a really great one. Specifically thinking of it in terms of a relational database, each activity can have information related to its specific instance in the schedule, as well as information related to it as an activity in general.

  2. Nice use of your personal experience to offer some insights into database usage in the industry. I know on my co-op, there was one job that I was on CA for where we would use dropbox as a tool to share files between subcontractors, but the official submittals for shop drawings would be processed through Newforma. You talked about a lot of databases that I have previously had no exposure to. It seems remarkable to catalog and schedule out every activity of a construction project, but makes complete sense from an efficiency standpoint. The ability to access real-time data in the field through CMiC also seems immensely powerful. The flow of information into and out of that database must be extremely complex!

  3. Zac,
    I appreciate how you covered some of the industry databases that we are likely to run into in our jobs. I had heard about P6, but never really realized it was run off of a database, but it makes sense in retrospect. Every activity is related to the other activities and has its own rules and restrictions that need to be kept under control. Your post has helped me to loosen my definition of a database a little bit, as before I pictured them to just be large excel or access spreadsheets full of numbers/data that could only really be interacted as such. The idea that a database can be used in more creative ways such as scheduling and file storage is really interesting and it makes sense that it is widely used in practice. This also bodes well for the use of databases in most intelligent building applications.

  4. You have done a great job with mentioning what are the capabilities of database use in construction. I have always heard of CMiC, but I never really knew what are its capabilities. I never even really considered it as database up until I’ve learned more about database by reading your discussion. In addition to reading others discussions about what database are or could be.

  5. Zac,

    I felt like I had to make a comment on your post after I read the word “Primavera P6” in the first sentence of your second paragraph. I had experienced using Primavera P6 when I took one of the construction management courses. The course was really fun and it was interesting to use Primavera to make a work schedule of a construction project the fact that it’s not only easy to use to conduct a work schedule but it also shows the Critical path of the project. I personally would like to recommend you to learn about the program if you are interested in learning about scheduling database.


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