Monday, February 5, 2018

Anibaba - Project Description Blog Post

I have decided to look into a comparison of green buildings and intelligent buildings. I will be exploring what it means for a building to be intelligent using information we learn about in class and what it means for a building to be green. I will be considering buildings level of intelligence and level of “green”. The biggest question I will be answering is can a building exist as both intelligent and green or is it one or the other. My current stance is that an intelligent building can be green and a green building can also be intelligent. My project will look at green technologies and intelligent technologies and their impacts on building life cycle.

I have chosen this topic out of shear curiosity. It is one of the questions I had come into the class with and alas it may be answered due to this project.  I personal am into green buildings and technologies and I feel building intelligence can play part to greener buildings. The impact of the discussion of green buildings versus intelligent buildings can bring about collaborations that I can only see as beneficial for the building industry.

This topic is in direct relationship with intelligent buildings seeing as we will be exploring what an intelligent building is and what intelligent technologies are. Project research will also be looking at possible levels of intelligence. We currently have a rating system to how green a building is but I am unaware of how we rate a buildings intelligence. Lastly project will look into the big question, How smart is too smart?

I can imagine the intense amount of information to go through could pose a challenge. Discussion with Professor Mitchell has encouraged focusing on a concept of the green vs intelligent building argument. Being such a broad topic can be overwhelming and limit technical analysis of the topic. Another challenge that may occur is moving away from my bias. If research and analysis prove my current stance to be inaccurate, I would have to re-position my believes and objectively look at the facts of research and analysis.

Jordan Shuster Comment: Jordan i like your topic very much. it explores a specific building technology. My problem is that i cannot fully understand the concept of robotics in a building space. Does implementation of robotics in a building space make it intelligent or is a space just making use of a robot. I am sure from reading your paper i will have a better picture of your idea and its relation to intelligent buildings. Best of Luck.

Mariano Amisial Comment: I like how exactly you want to look at this topic. I have the same subject matter for my term project, however we have different angles of approach. I am looking at the similarities of green and intelligent buildings and exploring their overlaps, where as you plan to completely distinguish a difference from the two. I am curious to discover your findings and im sure you would like to see mine as well. Best of luck.


  1. find the scope of your project interesting because it questions whether a building can be green and intelligent or just intelligent or just green. Probably increasing a building’s intelligence may be increasing a building’s energy consumption in some sort of way, but there is probably methods of using plants for energy production, where a building feeds energy of itself.
    The following links below are articles about the BIQ building which is located in Hamburg, Germany. The building is interesting because it has double skin to make the building green, where the second skin is made out of a bioreactor. Thought of sharing since this may be helpful with your research.
    Best of Luck on your project.

  2. Malik,
    I see we have chosen almost the same topic to research. I like how you plan to determine if there is a scale for how intelligent a building can be as there is one for the level of "green" a building is.You had mentioned narrowing your focus and I think possibly looking at the energy uses of each may be a start to making the topic a bit more direct, which is where I plan on starting being it is such a broad topic.

  3. Malik,

    I love your attitude on being open-minded to this topic. To be honest, I am trying to grasp if you defined intelligent buildings to help gather data about my project topic. But I love your idea of mashing both an intelligent and green buildings into one. Because why not? But yes, that is going to become a whole different topic from intelligent vs green and more of defining what an intelligent building is, a green building is and combining the fundamentals of both building components that make it what it is, into a wholesome entity.


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