Monday, February 12, 2018

Sarah Hollis - SQL

Blog Post 5 – SQL, What is it and why is it important?                      Sarah Hollis

SQL stands for ‘Structured Query Language’. Simply speaking, it is a language used in databases and other applications to insert, update, modify and delete data accordingly. It is particularly special in its field as it has the ability to access more than one data file with a single command and records can be accessed automatically unlike anything that had come before it.
Microsoft even uses this language due to its major time savings and ease. SQL is important as with only a few simple commands which are easy to pick up it can accomplish anything within a database: 
  • Delete
  • Create
  • Insert
  • Select
  • Drop

These commands can accomplish almost anything required to a database making this language so useful, it has been endorsed and standardized by ANSI (American National Standards Institute).
It does have a few disadvantages and some people do highly criticize this language. It is so big with so much complex coding that most implementers only partially implement it which has led to problems with interoperability. Interoperability is a major problem for SQL, simple things like date and time are unable to be translated across applications as they use different ways of writing the date and time. Another problem is capital letters; sounds simple but SQL fails to understand the difference between applications.
One everyday use of SQL which many people do not realize is through Excel. The format of SQL allows it to be read and understood in excel which prevents the copying and pasting of individual bits of data.



I agree that databases are going to become increasingly important after construction, we currently have so many problems with loss of information after completion when something breaks, gets damaged etc. The use of databases would be an ideal solution to this problem. There is a much easier place in the construction industry for databases now that standards are getting stricter and much more precise.


I loved your exploration of the definition of an object. That is may go beyond what we typically think of an object and that we can include behavior traits and states in this definition. The diagram of the bicycle modelled as a software object really highlighted this expansion of the definition if an object.


  1. Sarah - I used SQL in one of my database classes, but I didn't know some of the things you discussed in your post! For example, I didn't know that SQL was unique in that it is able to access more than one data file with one command. One thing you note is that SQL is relatively easy to learn due to its few and simple commands, and I definitely agree with that. It was a really easy language to learn, it was really intuitive. This makes it accessible to many people, and improves people's understanding of databases.

  2. Having only just heard of SQL in passing in my reading for this post, thank you for giving a nice overview! I had heard of VBA coding in Excel - but I did not realize that SQL was a language used majorly by Microsoft. It sounds like SQL is immensely powerful as a consequence of its key commands that you listed. I wonder what the equivalent code would require if java or c++ would be used instead. I do not have any experience in any of these languages - but if SQL is backed by ANSI and is standardized, it must have significantly more power.

  3. I never realized that SQL is compatible with Excel - I'm interested in learning more about that. I'm glad you brought it up in your blog post! I like that beyond just describing what SQL is, you went on the talk about some of its advantages and disadvantages. Having used SQL, I definitely agree with some of the criticisms of the language. The basics of it are straightforward, but after that there's a very steep learning curve to start understanding all of its complex capabilities.

  4. I appreciate the advantage of the disadvantage you have mentioned in regard to SQL, where it’s interesting how simple stuff such as dates, and not being able to distinguish a capital letter from a none capital letter.


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