Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Amisial B-6 Uses of Database in Design Offices

Amisial B-6 Uses of Database in Design Offices
Per my belief, I think database is an indispensable tool for any successful companies and offices. Since they could be used for a variety of task in businesses and offices, they became a daily tool that most employees use for accomplishing projects. According to Herzing College:
“Databases are used to structurally organize and capture large quantities of data by inputting, storing, retrieving and managing information. While we commonly think of databases to be online stores of information, a phone book or census also qualify as examples. In computer lingo, a database application is the program responsible for retrieving and storing this data. Offices these days generally function on a database management system, which provides an interface between the user and the database, and also catalogues data. Some of the more popular database management systems include Oracle, MySQL and Microsoft Access. Since there are a variety of DBMS’s available to choose from, each office may function using different software. For this reason, DBMS software will often come with an Open Database Connectivity driver, which allows different database systems to interact and share information.

For instance, Dropbox is a popular system of cloud storage like Google Drive, where users can maintain, share and access massive quantities of files on the internet. It itself acts as a huge database, where one can “drop” or sync images, documents, downloads into a private or shared account, for the intent of then being immediately accessible from any computer with an online connection. Rather than emailing the same files to ten different people, a database will receive the data and allow the other ten co-workers to view and download at their will. “

Reference: http://www.herzing.ca/blog/winnipeg/the-importance-of-database-applications-in-the-office/

It was interesting that you have related functionality of database during construction with your past personal work experience. I can see why it would be a struggle to have a database that allows multiple incoming updates from several parties. I found myself genuinely interested in finding database with such capacity, but I can tell you during my time working for the city, I was able to access a database with which my team was able to update multiple projects concurrently.

Your writing about Structured Query Language (SQL) was enjoyable, and I agree with you by stating that SQL must evolved alongside with some design programs. In fact, as you understand the relationship between SQL and design program or database, it becomes more efficient for the user, and their both intended purposes are more reachable.

I like the way your information was presented about relational database theory (RDB). As someone who is a novice in RDBs; I could say that they are a primary tool for user-friendly type of database, and they are mostly used for database in which it is important to present the users information in the form of tables.

1 comment:

  1. Amisal,

    I agree with your leading point about how any successful business also has an effective database that they use. I work part time for a company right now who have a functioning database but there are a lot of reoccurring flaws. These flaws account for multiple hours of wasted time each week. Its easy to see how a properly designed database can streamline workflow no matter what that workflow might be.


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