Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Week 5 - Final Project Term Paper Abstract - Definition of Intelligent Building

Blog Post - Week 5: Describe your project - (e.g. why chosen)

My topic for the final term is 'Definition of Intelligent Buildings' My initial idea for choosing this topic was inspired by Professor Mitchell's lecture on how the term Intelligent Building is still a vague concept. Below is an excerpt of what I initially wrote before writing my outline.

"After hearing your definition of IB and writing that discussion post, I finally understood that this is a relatively new term whose definition is still not cemented. The objective is to explore and analyze what is an intelligent building, from the perspectives of different people (definition varies with background knowledge, geography and technology) Classify the common components from the various sources and ideally, come up with the best definition of an IB that would hopefully be a standard definition."

After giving some thought into this topic, I am glad that there hasn't been anyone who chose a topic similar to mine. My only worry was not having enough sources to write a whole paper on this topic. However, I found a few websites and sources that addresses my topic and defines their own opinion/idea of Intelligent Buildings. Moreover, I can resort to learning from what my fellow classmates think based on their interpretation of the term after hearing Professor Mitchell's definition. I am hoping that the different background of each students major will give a diverse interpretation of the term and hopefully, I will be able to read all the different responses and filter out the common or recurring themes/features/components.

My next task is to analyze all these answers and compile a concise and accurate definition of the term Intelligent Building and hope for that best that everyone can agree on. Since I am working on this project alone, if there is any idea or topic that would help my paper be more comprehensive, I would appreciate any type of tips or suggestions in the comment section. Thank you.



 "an intelligent building focuses more on creating an environment that is comfortable and equipped with technologies that simplify redundant tasks as well as improving operation of facilities by providing feedback on systems"

I read your article in the hopes to learn what and how you define intelligent buildings out of curiosity. It seems that the main takeaway from your definition is the ability of a building to provide optimal levels of comfort. I would deduce that as an AE background, comfort is what matters most but this is just an assumption on my part. As for the rest of the post, I think you did a great job defining and contrasting your initial idea of green and intelligent buildings.


I love your topic. More so because I believe that it is very applicable. Coming from a basically a developing country, I can definitely see how this is applicable and important. I do worry that there is too much information to cover within the scope of your topic. So I would like to suggest narrowing to one or two topics just like you did with the case study examples and elaborate on it. Great job!


I love your attitude on being open-minded to this topic. To be honest, I am trying to grasp if you defined intelligent buildings to help gather data about my project topic. But I love your idea of mashing both an intelligent and green buildings into one. Because why not? But yes, that is going to become a whole different topic from intelligent vs green and more of defining what an intelligent building is, a green building is and combining the fundamentals of both building components that make it what it is, into a wholesome entity.

1 comment:

  1. One thing that i have been thinking about lately, is there more than one definition? Is it an Intelligent Building as a noun, or as in the act of Intelligent building, a verb. One is the product we are creating and the other is how or why we are creating it. In fact, i think you could even split up the verb futhor. Is it simply the act of using technology or "smart stuff" to design, or does it actualy require that we make decisions having as much data as possible so we make the RIGHT decision (the intelligent one).


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