Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Blog Post 5 Sarina Tufano

"A relational database is a collection of data items organized as a set of formally-described tables from which data can be accessed or reassembled in many different ways without having to reorganize the database tables. The relational database was invented by E. F. Codd at IBM in 1970." [1] A relational database organizes data for classical and fuzzy databases. The term fuzzy database is used quite often throughout the text and is described to manage incomplete database information. This differs from a regular database that has clear data and information that it is working with. In any case, a relational database can deal with both frameworks to organize the data. It organizes using a series of algebraic equations. The algebra consists of a series of if statements and binary relationships that help the database flow. Functions can come out in a bunch of way consisting on univalent, total, injective and surjective. Depending on the outcome, the database is organized differently. Complex algebra like linear algebra with 4 by 5 matrices are used to assume the order of the organizing elements. The term dekind category is used a lot throughout the text and to some extent means how the code goes about solving the algebraic framework of the code. Arrow categories are introduced as the basis to the relational database The more I read into this article the more it reminds me of coding with MatLab. There are a lot of transpose matrices and abstract notation that is defined in order for the relational database to organize the fuzzy or classical database. Below is a figure of one of the very large and complex matrices that are used throughout this database organization method of relational database. It is very complicated how the code works and that is one of the reasons that I am being quite vague with explaining how it functions. [2]


[1] Rouse, Margaret. “Relational Database.” TechTarget, SearchSQLServer, Apr. 2006, searchsqlserver.techtarget.com/definition/relational-database.

[2] Winter, Michael. “Dependencies in Relational Models of Databases.” ScienceDirect, Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, Aug. 2016, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352220815001522.

After reading your blog post on structured query language, I realize that our topics are related to each other. I did not read anything about SQL in my articles so I am thinking how much of an integral part of relational database theory. Good summary of the YouTube video you watched. It is easier for the reader to understand when a video or a picture is involved.

I had no clue what object-oriented database meant and so reading your blog post was very informative. There was a lot of abbreviations and database jargon used but my takeaway is that it is an evolved version of the traditional RDBs. During my readings, I came across some articles that emphasized on the future of RDBs that would store more complex data. And after reading your post, I can see how OODB is the 'evolved' version of RDB.

Dee Dee
Great post. I would assume too that database in design offices revolve around information about clients, projects, product specifications. And this is without a doubt helpful for owners, project managers and design firms to all view and coordinate at the same time.

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