Sunday, February 11, 2018

Anibaba B5: The Use of Databases in Design Firms

A database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can be easily accessed, managed and updated by users. Databases are usually arranged in an intuitive manner, accounting for file size, type, function, date created and author. This provides comprehensive information on file and provides ease of navigation. A database is necessary in different industries for various reasons and uses. In a design firm databases are extremely important, it could be said it is almost to run a firm without one. A Design firms uses a database to store files and drawings to be accessed by company employees. Design firms are usually keeping accounts of plans specifications, request for Information and request for quotation documents with email transmittals and meeting records. They are usually arranged per job, this allows multiple personal to work on a project at a time as well as allowing ease of turnover on job. Meaning it is easy for a co-worker to hand over a job to a colleague without too much discontinuity.
Popular Databases used by firms in the area are Microsoft Access, ECMS, ProjectWise, Primavera, and SharePoint. These next level databases go as far as keep records of database use by users. It provides information on when last file was opened or edit by a specific user. They also run back up of files to limit or eliminate loss of file in event of data corruption. These software’s also allow files to be accessed in real time by multiple users, this is essential to collaboration for a design firm. It allows an architect and engineer to discuss a particular plan and make changes together in real time.
Database is a necessity for design firms, regardless of the form it takes. Before the introduction of the electronic databases with advanced features like those I have mentioned. Design firms made use of filling cabinets to store plans and documents. This incorporated larger cabinets for big plans and some sort of letter or color system to keep track of documents.
Keeping and logging information for a design firm is critical. Legal cases may occur in a design firm and a database of records provides information to provide clarity on a particular subject. They are very important.

Thomas Sisson Comment: I like how you started with a description of structured query language; it gives clear understanding of how SQL works. It is also great that you provide information on the technology that was used prior to SQL. The compare and contrast between structured query language database versus Codasyl database allows reader to further understand the technology.

Carlos Hillinger Comment: I appreciate the enthusiasm in your post. It is good that you already have a perspective of databases and can relay the knowledge. I like that you mention how they function, however it would have been preferred if you also discussed its applications. There is little mention of how we use these databases or who primarily makes use of them.

1 comment:

  1. Malik,

    Thank you for listing the types of databases that are popular in the industry. After reading your post, my question to you would be to list the pros and cons of some of the popular databases. What would be some of the reasons a design, owner, or construction firm would choose one database over the other? As we are entering the industry soon, it would be great to know what is popular and what is known to be a tricky and difficult database to work with.


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