Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Gibson - B4

I decided to work alone on this project, and choose to research 'intelligent" versus "green" buildings. I will focus on what makes each type of building its own and describe each of its unique charaterictiscs that attracts consumers to build these type of projects. One major aspect, I have discovered so far is the way to optimize but also hvae the most energy efiicent building to be the most diffcult challegene for both buildings types.

A further look into, a intelligent vs. a green builing break down of a power grid is depicted in the figure below. A key component to conserveing the energy in these type of proejcts comes down to the swtich agents and how quicly the buildings systems interacts with the surrpoding as well as interior envirnonments.

Response 1: Jacob Wahbeh
I appreciate you honestly, in your post becuase during my own research I have come across serval varying definition for 'intelligent' and 'green' buildings. So it is good to know that I am not the only class member going through the same issue.

Response 2: Chris Thach
Great post! I really enjoyed reading your post about the new Smart Houses that are beginning to turn into a new must have at top ausment parks like Diseny World. The study of intelligent applicances I belive is the nect step to having completey efficent inteillgent buildngs.

Response 3: Bach Tran Nam
I found your post about the tallest structures in the world to catch my eye in the fact that they tpo are implenting this new type of technology in their buildings as well. 

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