Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Blog 4 -Intelligent Building vs. Green Building- Jianfeng Xiao

I am working with Mariano Amisial on this project. The title is Green Building Vs Intelligent Building. We will explore the similarity and difference between green and intelligent building. We choose this topic, because we are interested in the development and application of these two buildings. Through doing this project, we want to clearly distinguish these two types of building and we will focus on their impacts on environment in multiple areas and how intelligent building technologies can be used to develop the green building.
We will start by explaining the definition and concept of both building. Although intelligent technologies can often be used in developing a green building, they are not very similar. From our research, green building is considered as ecological and sustainable building. It requires to consider the water use, electric use and indoor environment quality in plan, design, construction and operation processes. Intelligent building is to use technologies and building process to reduce the environment impacts, to increase employee productivity and to convenient the building’s owner. Then, we will discuss the advantage and disadvantage of these two buildings. Through our research, we found some buildings that are both intelligent and green. We will use two recently built buildings as example for illustration. There are many intelligent technologies such as LEED and building information system are used in the intelligent building. These technologies can also be used in green building. We will analyze the advantage and disadvantage of applying these technologies on the green building. In addition, we will discuss both building’s impact on the environment. As we all know, green building is built in green standard, which has less impact on the environment. Therefore, we will try to find out what impacts might have during the construction process. For intelligent building, it might have higher impacts on the environment because of the technologies used. Intelligent building can be very smart and luxury that do not use ecofriendly materials for construction. These are problems we will analyze in the research.  
The most challenge of this project is to find appropriate evident to support our thesis. There are many areas can be explored in this topic. We should avoid too vague or too broad exploration. It is important for us to focus on one or two areas to have a deep analysis.

Source Cited:
A.H. Buckman, M. Mayfield, Stephen B.M. Beck, (2014) "What is a Smart Building?", Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, Vol. 3 Issue: 2, pp.92-109, https://doi.org/10.1108/SASBE-01-2014-0003

Sarah Hollis Comments:
Your ideas of the advancement of BIM in workflow is very interesting. With the development of BIM, the computer or system technologies will perform important roles in a project. I think you can focus on how develop in BIM will affect the workflow currently and in the future. In addition, their application in engineering and architecture areas can be analyzed.  
Luciana Tangari Comments:
Your project seems very interesting. I am also doing the comparison between green and intelligent building on my project. I will focus on how intelligent technologies can develop the green building. I agree with you that the distinguish of the concept is very important because these two buildings look similar. If concept is not clear, it will hard to find appropriate evident to support the thesis.
Cody Johnson Comments:
Your project of 3D scanning seems very interesting. I agree that the develop of 3D scanning can create the model that help constructor and designer to better measure the site. It is like Revit and AutoCAD. Your can have a better understand of site through the 3D model compare to the 2D drawing. But one concern I have is that the cost of 3D scanning might be higher. Contractors might not want to spend extra money.

1 comment:

  1. I notice that our topics are very similar. I like how you have emphasized that you are going to use newer buildings in your assessment since we know how fast technologies have been evolving recently. I am curious to see how you distinguish properties as either "smart" or "green" and which properties you might consider to fall under both classifications.


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