Tuesday, February 13, 2018

B5 - Uses of databases in design offices

Uses of databases in design offices

In order to understand what is the use of database for design offices one must understand the proper definition of database, because some may mistake excel for being a database due to its data recording capabilities as it’s similar to the concept of a database where it stores and records data.

What is database?
“Database is a gathered collection of information that is structured according to the relationship of data with one another for each access and management” (Kilkelly, ArchSmarter).Managing a database includes but not limited to entering, deleting, and exporting data. Example of database management system that are used to design database are MS Access, MySQL, FileMaker, and Oracle.

What is Excel?
Excel is a spreadsheet that is use primarily for analyzation of data, while it cannot handle very large amount of recorded data as a database.

Database Vs Excel
“Databases are designed to in a way to refer to information without actually requiring to load all of the information into memory.” (Valentina-db)
The following table below compares “MS Excel” to “MS Access”, which gives an idea of what’s the difference between a database such as Access and a spread sheet such as Excel.

(Source: Gavin, Excel Vs. Access)

How may database be used for design office
For large projects that contain many requirements in terms of the architectural and engineering design aspect, a database may be used to record and track data, where the database is structured based on the considerations of the owner’s requirements, requirements completed, requirements need to be completed, problems required to be solved, solved problems, and their solution, keeping track of whose working on what and who changed what. In addition to storing data such as before and after files, which is beneficial for reverse of change if required.

Other use of database may be for file management purposes, where files can be accessed, downloaded and edited from anywhere. In addition to securing the files by controlling who can and can’t access the database for a certain project.

Other benefits of a database for design offices is recording client’s information such as address, name, phone number, projects previously worked on and details such as cost, change orders, etc. Keeping track of issues or change orders with clients would be beneficial for creating a better strategy for future projects if any. In addition, keeping track of the office’s performance compared to the past days, weeks, months and years.  

“What is in a Database and Why Excel IS NOT a Database.” Valentina-Db, 4 Feb. 2017, www.valentina-db.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=valentina:products:adk:v4rev:howto:databases_from_zero:what_is_in_a_database_and_why_excel_isnt_a_database.

Phillips, Gavin. “Excel Vs. Access – Can a Spreadsheet Replace a Database?” MakeUseOf, 7 Nov. 2014, www.makeuseof.com/tag/excel-vs-access-can-spreadsheet-replace-database/.

Kilkelly, Michael. “How to Better Manage Your Project Data (or the Architect's guide to databases) - ArchSmarter -.” ArchSmarter, 17 Mar. 2015, archsmarter.com/manage-project-data/.

Summerfield, Jason. “Architectural File Management System & Database.” HSS Web Technologies, www.hswsolutions.com/work/case-studies/architecture-file-management-database/.

Migrator. “Benefits of database development.” Nibusinessinfo.co.uk, 8 Dec. 2017, www.nibusinessinfo.co.uk/content/benefits-database-development.


B5- Databases in Construction Firms

 I would like to point out that construction firms, and firms involved with estimating highly depend on historical data of past projects aside from RS Means, because in some cases it may be more reliable than RS Means especially for productivity rates which are used for scheduling purposes. So even if RS Means produces an online version to it, these firms would still be more dependent on their historical data.

Object Oriented Databases - Hillinger

The examples of capabilities of relation and object-oriented database that you have given in your discussion have been useful. However, I don’t see how entities, relationships and attributes make a database, where I feel it would have been beneficial if you would have given a simple example to that and how may they be related.

Sarah Hollis - SQL

I appreciate the advantage of the disadvantage you have mentioned in regard to SQL, where it’s interesting how simple stuff such as dates, and not being able to distinguish a capital letter from a none capital letter.

Uses of Databases in Construction

You have done a great job with mentioning what are the capabilities of database use in construction. I have always heard of CMiC, but I never really knew what are its capabilities. I never even really considered it as database up until I’ve learned more about database by reading your discussion. In addition to reading others discussions about what database are or could be.   

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